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Sunday, April 07, 2013

You'll Have Noticed...

A reference to a website that references how to manage your weight. It is in reference to my own. It doesn't change much if at all because at present I have reached my ideal weight and though on steroids and various other drugs I am maintaining it quite well.

I am not obsessed with calorie counting or worry if I eat more or less, I do as I wish(I have an idea what is high or low calorie wise)and what is good or bad.

Yesterday,was not particularly great diet wise I suspect but it was enough to keep me full and easy because I was outdoors for hours and had a rucksack which I did not want to be too heavy. What I ate is in a previous post.

I will do better again today no doubt.

I think that I do quite well anyhow...

What is kind of funny is that eating less and some exercise is said to be the main way to reduce or maintain weight but when I do that I am told that I am eating too few calories or if I eat the correct amount and did so every day I would increase my weight. And when you do it is harder to take off but is more likely to add more to what you have. So I will continue as I am as it seems to work for me.

It is more than similar to the 5/2 diet where you kind of fast. Fasting has been misunderstood to some extent as has the term diet. They've been hijacked.

This links to an interesting radio programme you can download or listen to on line but eventually it will become a dead link but it is about Fasting


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