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Sunday, April 07, 2013

It Was Good, It Was Bad Part Two...

I found myself travelling on the bus through areas I have heard of but never seen before though the names are familiar and though I was only cutting through these towns many seemed to be a case of blink and you miss them and they sort of merge into each other often without a definite break between them.

What surprised me was that Chester Le Street had quite a good selection of shops, national names and local and there was a big market. That's very close to Durham and as it is on the flat rather than the Durham which is very hilly so I may very well take another journey another Saturday and have a closer look even if I don't spend anything and do a lot of window shopping. If the weather is as nice as today its a change of scenery.

The downside of today was how slow and difficult it was to walk such small distances and I only started walking better(still not great)but easier on the last leg(no pun intended)from the bus stop home around 11pm yesterday.

Perhaps the painkillers helped.

In my rucksack I had two small bottles of Ribena fruit juice, two small packets of sea salt and vinegar crisps, two wholemeal rolls with sliced roast pork and stuffing, a custard donut. Later a bar of white chocolate and a energy drink. When I came home I had a mug shot chicken noodle meal.

I can redeem my sins and eat more healthily tomorrow(Today now)And besides, I enjoyed it, I did take some fruit(bananas)but they were not any good.

Fruit and lots of vegetables tomorrow for my main meal. And perhaps cereal or porridge for breakfast. Well, that's today now...


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