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Sunday, April 07, 2013

Unusual Or Is It Just Me?

When in Newcastle Upon Tyne centre yesterday there is a square people sit and rest/eat their snacks
(visitors/shop workers alike)

There is a war memorial at its centre but Remembrance Sunday takes place in November and yet there were still poppy wreaths around it and little wooden crosses with names in a box of sand.

After all this time they seemed in good condition nor damaged by people passing but to still be there?

I'm thinking of evenings when perhaps people have been drinking etc...I was just a bit surprised.

Near that square is Grey's Monument and it might just be as easy to post a link with images of it and it has links to tell you about who he was and why he is commorated in such a way.

Earl Grey...and I am so I write this I have just realised he is the Earl who has a blend of tea named after him. Duh!

Health Benefits of Earl Grey Tea?


Blogger Paul said...

Your thought echo mine Gildy, probably a reflection of the cynical times we live in. I work opposite our local memorial gardens which are used rain, shine or snow by people eating, drinking, playing football etc and the wreaths are still immaculate. Some things still let you have faith in your fellow man.

7 April 2013 at 17:15  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I felt a bit strange suggesting such a thing perhaps I am not paying attention, I'll have a look at the one in my town and see if the wreaths are still there.

I think I have always assumed they remove them within a couple of weeks until the next year.

I don't know as much as I think I do.

7 April 2013 at 18:58  

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