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Monday, April 22, 2013

Thinking That It's Almost Time To Feed My Pet...

Well the sourdough starter...I hope its working.

My meal worked out fine last night. Next test will be cooking chips that have not been par boiled first.

I have quite a lot of bread to get through including those I purchased at the Food Festival so probably lots of sandwiches these next few days...

Revised what I planned for my meal tonight...I have eaten Tesco Finest Pasta, Spinach and Pine Nuts salad, no way would I pay the original price but at 25p...was I impressed? No but I can say I tried it and I don't mind wasting 25p. Today I found chicken and stuffing sandwiches(3)for £1.49(saved £1)and added some tomato, spring onion, cucumber and pea shoots. And a small strawberry cheescake reduced by half to approx 35p. Still eating items past or near their dates...

The latest on the fresh milk is that I am nearly through my 4 pinter but I can report that though it is not treated in any way and has a use by date of 9th April it is still ok. That's 14 days over the date! And with milk you can always tell if it is off by all three senses.

It smells, it looks wrong, tastes sour and if added to tea or coffee it curdles immediately. Commonsense as always...

Sorry to go on about food, no doubt I will move onto other matters. And as I get out and see more and can add images there will be more to post.

I still have to go to more theatre shows, food fairs, I want to get back to Saltburn, Chester Le Street (for the first time)and the  Angel Of The North...just when I say that I will, something else comes along.


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