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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Isn't It Good To Know...

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Christmas Countdown...whatever next?

Not much happening today. Hence the above trivia...

Been looking at where I can go in coming weeks...restricted because some journeys by public transport take too long or are impossible because there is no service to speak of. Unless I can find a service similar to National Express where you travel a more direct route. Must look into that...even if it costs money. Or look into cheap rail travel but that usually means booking well in advance.

If there are fewer theatre shows of interest in coming months I will divert the money spent to travel or days out. And my real luxury of trying to eat well.

I can just about manage 3 hours travel to somewhere and home but after that it becomes difficult.

Food...did I tell you? I managed to find two pork pies(reasonable size)from the supermarket delicatessen reduced from £3.00 to £1.20, Fish and chips from £2 to £1.00 and a bacon, sausage and tomato quiche from £3+ to £1.15 and a carton of pea and asparagus soup from £1 to 50p yesterday.

I suspect as they are getting past their dates to prolong their lives I will have to move items around the fridge/freezer or buy extra time by cooking some items.

So today I am thinking soup, salad with pork pie or quiche and later I will cook the chicken and veg pie(possibly have that when I come in from my music club)Must east some of my bread, don't think I'll get through it all but I find it lasts longer than the date on the warppers and does not go stale or mouldy. As most was purchased at a reduced price I won't lose much money wise.

And now I am suddenly into the baking of my own again. That's going to plan and I have not managed to kill my sourdough starter so far.

Will hopefully take some photo's and post them...


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