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Monday, April 22, 2013

Its A Year Today...

Since Mum passed away...where did that go?

Ask me how I feel at the end of the day. I feel quite calm at this time all things considered. That's either the grieving process working as it should or the medication has kicked in.

I know there are things that will happen in the future to fear and worry me(that will happen to many of us)and I may still have my moments over Mum, I'll just live for the day and look no further.

Update:Had a couple of "Bad" dreams but don't remember much about them. One had Mum in it but I can kind of understand why that would happen, the other was just weird. Nightmares are rare...

Came across the following by pure chance on this day and was not looking for such an article, interesting but in some ways stating the obvious and making out that it is easy to reverse and find happiness. I'm not so sure it is quite that simple.

Top Five Regrets Of The Dying

Simple Diagram Of The Regrets


Anonymous VQ said...

I can hardly believe that's it's already a year, Gildy.
The older one gets the quicker time flies, that's for sure.
You seem to have come through it pretty well. You'll still have 'down' days, of course but I'm sure they will get fewer and fewer.
What I'm especially pleased about is that you are getting out more. That's a very good sign.
You get the thumbs up, Gildy. You've done very well.

22 April 2013 at 14:21  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Thank you VQ...
If I can hang onto the health that I have a bit longer and they don't take my bus pass away :o) I'll manage...

It helps having friends like yourself too...

Its not going as bad as I feared that it might. More positive feelings than negative.

Life may be simple and what I do may seem less than some but you know most people around here(even those who work/have families)are not doing much more than me by choice or otherwise.

Getting interests back and gaining new ones and I do like music, radio, food, reading and my embracing of the food festivals and markets combines a couple...getting me out, seeing new areas and when possible treating myself.

Though I'd be telling fibs if I did not sometimes have my jaw drop when I see the price of some know the kind of thing...I appreciate that a lot of work goes into making some foods/sweets but when they charge perhaps £9 for six chocolates!

The other week a Radio 4 announcer I follow on Twitter even said no to a coffee in London because it was going to cost nearly £4. That's a couple of meals for me...

Got lots of great food sites to link to with great ideas for recipes and news(too many TBH) :o)

22 April 2013 at 15:33  
Anonymous VQ said...

I may have mentioned this before so I'm sorry if I'm repeating myself but, after my mother died, I felt completely cut off so what I decided to do was research my family tree.
As I gradually found out more and more, I decided to contact family members whom I had not seen for years and years. Mostly, they were very interested because it all applied to them just as much as it applied to me. Slowly, I began to knit my family together again. An outcome of that is that, when I go on holiday once a year, I go with a cousin who is also on her own.
There are several websites online which can help with research. I use
You can look at census returns between 1841 and 1911. Whole families with their addresses, year of birth, occupations etc. Fascinating!

22 April 2013 at 16:24  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Something else to consider...Most of my Father's side has ended because they passed on without issue or of course the name is lost when daughters marry.

I have just realised that I do not know the name of my Father's
Mother or step Mother or the date of the marriages.

I only know that my father went and lived with his sister and brother in law because he did not get on with his step Mum and all the heirlooms were lost forever if there were any.

It will cost money but I can have duplicate certificates of marriages, births and deaths at the local registry office as the family stayed within a small area.

I did have some certificates printed off at the time I registered Mum's passing.

I think I'll be able to get back to the middle 1800's quite easily.

22 April 2013 at 18:07  
Anonymous VQ said...

Gildy, don't go charging off to buy loads of certificates. You can tell so much from census returns which you will be able to view, free of charge, at your local history library. Your regular local library will be able to tell you where this is.

23 April 2013 at 09:46  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

If I can find one relative I know of(I tried at the time Mum passed away)so he could attend her joy.

He has I understand researched his family tree which naturally takes in Mum's side and would fill in some gaps.

Using the really basic search only minutes ago and parting with no money I have found via a website some information such as the years my Grandfather married and the district.

23 April 2013 at 11:07  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, Gildy, you've survived all the "firsts". I agree with VQ, it's hard to believe it's been a year already.

I also agree that you've done remarkably well, and that's a credit to you. I know it took a lot of hard work.

I, too, am pleased you're getting out more! It really makes a difference.

There maybe worries, but there's also a lot of joy ahead! :o)

Genealogy is fascinating! I've been working on mine since I was twelve (there's one in ever family I suppose!). I've waaaay back on many branches and not too far on others. Always something to find out.

I enjoy listening to Digging Up Your Roots on Radio Scotland. It's current series is in progress and I believe it's on Mondays at 13:00 and of course it's available to Listen Again online.

Lots of interesting stories! :o)

Anyway, glad you made it through, my friend...I knew you would! :o)


26 April 2013 at 10:15  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I'm so behind again on my radio listening...saving, editing and burning...doubt I'll ever catch up.

I've been missing that programme for a while...thanks for the heads up. I will hunt it out again...

26 April 2013 at 14:01  

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