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Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Baking Bread...

Heavens years ago I had a go at making home made bread. Its really easy...some recipes take very little physical hard work and some are made quicker than others. Tons of recipes are on the web if you have never had a go yourself but...

I have heard for a long time about Sourdough bread. Why I have never looked it up on the web I have no idea. But last night Paul Hollywood showed how to make it and bake it. Its unlike the usual recipes for bread.


Because the yeast culture you make you feed every couple of days and keep it alive in a jar often for years or for life.

So in case you'd like a go here's a link to the recipe and how to start your own sourdough culture. That is also explained here. I am so tempted.

Paul Hollywood Sourdough Loaf


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a bakery called Boudin's in San Francisco who's sourdough breads mother dough was originally began in 1849! :o)


24 April 2013 at 08:58  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Will be interested to see if I can taste any difference as I have never eaten sourdough bread before. I understand and perhaps that's what you were referring too there is a culture of sour dough starter going back to the US Civil War.

And you can send for some for the cost of the postage...

If Paul Hollywood has not reached the States yet on TV, he will :o)

I see you have a daiy food programme called The Chew, that has not reached these shores yet.

24 April 2013 at 09:13  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, The Chew is okay. Not my very favorite, but they have some interesting things.

The Civil War here began in 1861, so San Francisco's mother dough is even older than that!

I like sourdough bread well enough, but personally I prefer sweet french bread. :o)

Jan :o)

25 April 2013 at 09:16  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I get the impression it depends how sour it is. That I will have to learn...the loaves I did purchase at the weekend I can't taste the sour flavour that I hear about.

One loaf was like a giant soft roll in consistancy and the other not burnt, crusty but not a struggle to eat.

The inside was soft but dense and light in colour, if I can manage one like that I will be really happy.

25 April 2013 at 13:00  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, that's the characteristics of most sourdoughs I've had.

Good luck! Let me know how it goes.


26 April 2013 at 07:59  

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