I have been so used to not wearing a watch for ages that I keep forgetting that I am wearing one again so often find myself wondering what time it is and I only have to look at my wrist
I guess some things such as keeping appointments mean that you need to know what time it is but I tend to go by weather it's light or dark outside and I know what time it is by what's on the radio...but I eat/sleep when I want to and don't worry about set times or throwing my body clock out of kilter.

I guess some things such as keeping appointments mean that you need to know what time it is but I tend to go by weather it's light or dark outside and I know what time it is by what's on the radio...but I eat/sleep when I want to and don't worry about set times or throwing my body clock out of kilter.
I do the same, Gildy.
I worked nights for many years and no matter how hard I try I wind up going back to graveyard hours. :oP
Now I usually just go with it.
As long as you get your rest and eat at times that suit you that's what matters.
I think it can be different when you can do it to suit yourself rather than when it is forced on you.
I think I'll always be this way even if and I say "If" I was working and doing normal hours...
Also unlike years ago where working outside of the approx normal hours of approx 9-5 would not have been what I would have considered now working outside of those times would bother me as I only have myself to think of but the transport to get you there has actually become worse and it isn't available.
Unless you can run a car or use taxis.
I think it exists better in cities but not in the country at large and around here it still isn't really a 24/7 society around here...
No, our buses aren't 24/7 in my town either.
We thought it was a big deal when they went to 10pm! :o)
Well I either get a taxi home tomorrow for safety or if it could go to plan and I get out of the theatre by 10pm there is a bus around 10.15pm that will get me into the town centre and hopefully will connect with the last bus to my town around 22.40 so that will be here for 23.05.
Then I'll have to walk approx 5 streets to reach my home and at my walking speed that could take 10-15 minutes but I think I'll be safe.
If I have managed to buy a saver ticket for the whole day and all the journeys I will save some money compared to the normal bus fare and it will be less than a taxi which all helps.
We have a service here called HandiRide. It's made especially for folks with disabilities. The buses are specially designed with wheelchair lifts and accommodate walkers and canes much better than the standard buses.
You sign up with the service and then call them ahead of time to make the appointment to be picked up. It's only $1 per ride.
I've never had to use it because we have a car, but I know of a few folks who use it and it works well for them.
You guys don't have anything similar there?
Perhaps it depends where you live. Some taxi's are adapted but that would still mean paying the same price, I think there is a limited service run by volunteers and a car will take you somewhere perhaps for £5 but again ceaper than a taxi.
If you are retired or disabled there are some bus passes that allow cheap travel by bus but the Government are making it more difficult to qualify and it is expected when the next election comes in the present Government will stop the scheme or you will have to be much older.
To use the buses yesterday there and back and two short bus rides in the neighbouring town I got a special ticket and it woukd allow me more bus rides than I was able to but it came out at £7($11.21)
Now as I have to go out five times this week it may be easier and better value to go for a weekly ticket that allows me to cover a larger area. That comes in around £25.50($40.820)
So that saves me £7 on one journey rather than doing daily tickets. Then if I can be bothered I can use the ticket any amount of times over that 7 day period so I could go for some rides on the days I am not at the theatre and could use it during the daytime when I am at the theatre to get my money's worth.
Still quite expensive if on a limited budget but still cheaper than taxi's so even a good idea if you need to shop in a neighbouring town if you take a shopping trolly with you.
If you have money to do a big shop in the first place. And if the trolley is too full you could do a few shopping trips.
I think an ordinary one way ticket is £4.80 so these various tickets do save some money.
Some areas have park and ride schemes where you park your car on the outskirts of a town/city then you are bussed into the town.
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