As I Sat Watching Dallas...
I was thinking nearly every ad break they were selling things or making me aware of products I don't need, items I don't buy, items I cannot afford or as I look at what I have purchased gadget or food wise these products are not advertised(so I assume that they are doing well without needing to)or what I have are mainly generic or shop brands...
I reckon probably half or three quarters of what is sold in a supermarket though it gives you choice are un-necessary. And I surfed around the satellite channels and before Anon says something about having satellite tv it is free and not subscription. Nothing terrifically exciting, most seem to be ethnic or religious in content not forgetting the shopping channels, again don't think I'll be a regular user. It was good to see that some new channels have been added and I now have access to quite a few news channels. But what a lot show programmes time shifted by an hour.
I thought I had defrosted some bacon and was going to treat myself to some bacon butties at teatime and I still thought that was what I had got of the freezer but it turned out to be strips of pork. That you can stir fry or put in a casserole or a slow cooker but as I often cook my bacon in the microwave that's where I did it. I gave it 5 minutes...
When I discovered the mistake I thought should I throw it out as I think I read you cannot do in a microwave but though not quite as moist as cooked in the Slow Cooker, it was ok, cooked and I can report I am still here and it has not had any negative affects so I can't say I won't do it again and as it was cooked within 5 minutes this proves that I can cook meat in a very short time and avoid using a lot of energy and save on electric...
Something else that I have learnt. I am still eating quite a lot of salad, I need to up my fruit and vegetable intake again...I have let that slip a little.
My gardener came back and finished his work. It cost me a little more this time but only because it had got out of hand with all the wet weather we've had but then again as he has not been for quite a few weeks it just seemed to cost more than usual because the wok had built up but soon as Autumn sets in nothing will need doing until next year and if I keep putting a little aside I'll have it saved ready.
I have booked another couple of shows one happens in October and the other next year. So that again gives me time to pay them off and something to look forward to...Another I wanted to see had sold out and I was told it did so within an hour of them going on sale! It must have been an extra show that had been added.
For my friend abroad(Jan)I don't know your age but if you did grow up in the 60's or listen to 60's music as you know I am seeing Gerry and the Pacemakers, The Animals and PJ Proby quite soon and now I hope to see The Searchers in October. This is fortunate in that they were appearing at another theatre and getting there was more expensive and more difficult to get to but their show was clashing with a show I was already booked to see so this extra performance means I can see them.
A few years ago I missed the chance to see quite a big show of 60's stars including Bobby Vee. Time is running out to see those I have listened to for all these years...
I reckon probably half or three quarters of what is sold in a supermarket though it gives you choice are un-necessary. And I surfed around the satellite channels and before Anon says something about having satellite tv it is free and not subscription. Nothing terrifically exciting, most seem to be ethnic or religious in content not forgetting the shopping channels, again don't think I'll be a regular user. It was good to see that some new channels have been added and I now have access to quite a few news channels. But what a lot show programmes time shifted by an hour.
I thought I had defrosted some bacon and was going to treat myself to some bacon butties at teatime and I still thought that was what I had got of the freezer but it turned out to be strips of pork. That you can stir fry or put in a casserole or a slow cooker but as I often cook my bacon in the microwave that's where I did it. I gave it 5 minutes...
When I discovered the mistake I thought should I throw it out as I think I read you cannot do in a microwave but though not quite as moist as cooked in the Slow Cooker, it was ok, cooked and I can report I am still here and it has not had any negative affects so I can't say I won't do it again and as it was cooked within 5 minutes this proves that I can cook meat in a very short time and avoid using a lot of energy and save on electric...
Something else that I have learnt. I am still eating quite a lot of salad, I need to up my fruit and vegetable intake again...I have let that slip a little.
My gardener came back and finished his work. It cost me a little more this time but only because it had got out of hand with all the wet weather we've had but then again as he has not been for quite a few weeks it just seemed to cost more than usual because the wok had built up but soon as Autumn sets in nothing will need doing until next year and if I keep putting a little aside I'll have it saved ready.
I have booked another couple of shows one happens in October and the other next year. So that again gives me time to pay them off and something to look forward to...Another I wanted to see had sold out and I was told it did so within an hour of them going on sale! It must have been an extra show that had been added.
For my friend abroad(Jan)I don't know your age but if you did grow up in the 60's or listen to 60's music as you know I am seeing Gerry and the Pacemakers, The Animals and PJ Proby quite soon and now I hope to see The Searchers in October. This is fortunate in that they were appearing at another theatre and getting there was more expensive and more difficult to get to but their show was clashing with a show I was already booked to see so this extra performance means I can see them.

Yes, I grew up in the 60's and know who The Searchers are.
How fun is that? Sounds like you have a lot of great shows to look forward too. :o)
(I've never heard of PJ Proby or Bobby Vee...I don't think. :oP )
I think you'll know their songs even if you don't know their names ;-)
Better enjoy what I can whilst I can, some more things I read today suggests things are quite bleak in the future but not being reported.
The suggestion is that by trying to get out there and have a life of sorts even though you are ill, it will actually go against you and to qualify you should stay in more...
Get this having a mobility scooter may give you freedom to get out of the house but having one may allow them to say because you use one you don't qualify. It's crazy.
I probably do know their songs. I'll have to look them up.
Yeah. It's similar over here, Gildy.
Catch-22 no doubt.
Get this...
I have a nebulizer, and my asthma was really bad this last month because of the heat and some wildfires, so I ran out of my nebulizer medicine. I called it into the pharmacy, they said it was too soon and they'd have to contact the doctor to change the directions so it would give more leeway, which they did and the doctor did.
The insurance company (MediCare Part D is our version of your NHS stuff..what there is of it) said no, even with the change.
Without this medicine I go to the emergency room, full-stop.
And this is the crazy part....
They won't pay for the $22 medicine but they'll pay for the ambulance ride and emergency room and probably two-days stay in the hospital (I would estimate $10,000). Figure that one out!
Talk about waste and slackers! Makes no damn sense. And those of us that use these services know there is waste. I think they could change that for nothin' and save some money to put back into the program they're wanting to cut.
I'm afraid that is much the same as what is happening here, it is the same money doing the rounds so even if people like me have a low income, we still have to spend so if I shop, buy insurance or services that helps keep a business from closing and that keeps someone in work.
Even if my money originally comes from the Government via other tax payers if it goes back into the economy, that helps make a profit and puts money in some one else's pockets.
And they just keep taking more off people usually at the lower end of the society, no wonder they get restless.
It's just said on the radio the average income of families in the States is down by $4,000(£2514.64)annually and the amount of households getting food stamps has risen.
I'm not really sure how they work but I don't like the sound of them. They are talking of doing something similar here(we are calling it vouchers)
A lot of the ideas are coming from looking at your system and there is some concern that our NHS may be next to be tinkered with.
Bobby Vee...Rubber Ball, The Night Has Thousand Eyes, Take Good care Of My Baby.
Looking up Bobby on the net brings sadness too as I have found out he is another victim of Alzheimer's :-(
That follows on from Glenn Campbell and the other week another of our entertainers Max Bygraves. Of late so many in public life when you read the cause this is mentioned so often.
The same article says that his wife is awaiting a lung transplant, just gets worse doesn't it.
PJ Proby...I can only really think of two songs "Hold Me" and a version of the song from West Side Story "Somewhere"
Yes, many here are looking at your system, too.
Oh, okay, I do know Bobby Vee. :o)
Proby doesn't ring a bell though.
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