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Saturday, July 07, 2012

What's That Yellow Ball In The Sky?

The sky has been blue most of the day, more importantly the rain has held off and the sun is shining.

I'm sorry but I haven't done much today and am being lazy but when I do start I have quite a lot to do. I should vacuum some rooms and wash the kitchen floor...but first I must finish the job I started on Thursday and has been a bit of a chore...sorting out my food store.

It's taken longer and I ended up needing ten crates(and that suggests a lot of food etc...)Not that much in reality. Though the crates are quite big capacity wise and I have saved £40 they cost me £25 and I keep think just for plastic boxes have I spent that!

The annoying thing is you don't get as much in each as you think you might. They get quite heavy when filled and sometimes the height of an item means you cannot stack the boxes on top of each other unless that is the last box which you place on top.

I fear the crates may have to go into the dining room after all because of a lack of space in the pantry but as said previously if I have saved money and don't have to buy so much food, there's only me who will see it, that room is more like a utility room as it has a tumble drier and fridge/freezer in there.

The fridge/freezer has my fresh items that need using up quicker and I have to watch the dates but some items that can last months/years. The kitchen cupboards have my bread, soups, tinned goods, first aid items, household goods and kitchen equipment/mugs/plates etc...

The pantry will now contain cereals, crisps, sweets, booze, coffee, teabags, squashes, olive oil and some more household goods(washing up liquid, fabric softeners, washing machine liquid, bleach, bin bags etc...)batteries, torch, candles, tea lights, matches and the camp stove and gas canisters.

Even I think I can finally say enough is enough...

Not very interesting perhaps but we're getting there...


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