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Tuesday, July 03, 2012

All Change At BBC Radio...

But I know in recent years there have been surveys done(often asking the listeners their views)as to how BBC Radio stations should sound or can be improved and Radio 2 primarily a music station was told to change some of it's programming to suit a more diverse audience(they tend to use the ethnic model)though I believe they also decided to aim for an older audience.

There has been occasions where Radio 2 has commissioned comedy and it's back again this Thursday with a series of one off comedies. Whether the idea is that they stay as one offs or the idea is that they could develop into a series I don't know.

With the Olympics I am one of those who plan to avoid it where at possible. I kind of expect BBC TV to carry extensive coverage across their main networks as they have been doing with Wimbledon devoting hours and hours to it "Live" but highlights for those who are perhaps working when most events are taking place.

I expect Radio 5 to do likewise being mainly a news and sports network and to also use Radio 5 Extra on DAB radio and there is suppose to be an additional network being created to carry the Olympics. I expect Radio 4 do it's fair share of Olympic coverage too.
So the hope was that a couple of stations may offer an alternative to those of us who do not want to watch or listen to the event.

So tonight I discover that on Radio 2, the Simon Mayo programme will be going around the UK promoting and talking to the population about the games and Richard Bacon is moving from Radio 5 and will be doing some kind of nightly programme with Zoe Ball devoted to the games so the thought that I may be able to avoid them has been scuppered. I just hope that my favourite programmes have not been cancelled.

I may have to look for something else to do for the 19 days the event is on...


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