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Friday, July 06, 2012

If I Thought Yesterday's Weather Was Bad...

I woke to worse rain, thunder and lightening. Eighty Five flood alerts and some areas a months rainfall is expected to come down in 24 hours. The ground is already sodden. The weather forecast suggests that we had our worst of this yesterday and now it's moving south. The rain is bouncing off the roads and it's like a river.

There's no way anyone should be out in that unless it is necessary or you are forced to, it's not safe and unless you have access to your own transport, you would be like a drowned rat by the time you reach a bus stop and wait for a bus.

I was fortunate that I did my shopping and my hospital appointment was yesterday .

So I am staying put, will have a little bit of a lie in and then get up and complete the rearranging of my food store. The use of crates though making it tidy could mean less can be stored in the pantry.

I have looked at the camping stove, it's quite smart. One hob. In an emergency I could cook things like bacon and egg, scrambled eggs, baked beans, soup and more. Even desserts like rice pudding or boil water for tea and coffee.

I suppose the problem if the water went off would be washing plates/bowls/mugs but at a push you could do a small wash by heating some bottled water or by using some disposable items...

Update:Seems that Barnard Castle was the town that got it bad on the video...


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