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Saturday, July 07, 2012

Soft Boiled Eggs...

I can't believe it. I did something I haven't in years possibly decades...

Some boiled eggs with be honest I had bread buns but next time will do the traditional toast soldiers.

But I forgot how long you have to cook them for to be soft so they were slightly over done but I'll have them again and next time reduce the time I cook them. Can you believe I need an egg cup! A friend from a forum has told me that now and also to give them a quick dip in cold water to stop them continuing to cook in the shell)Perhaps as they were smaller than the ones I used to buy, that affects how long they take to cook. I must remember to buy at least one egg cup and perhaps a timer.

I won't over use them but as you can see, I have discovered that I can add emoticons to my blog. Now, this may help when sometimes what I write can be misunderstood as it allows me to show some expression/tone which could be missing.


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