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Friday, July 27, 2012

Cringe Worthy And The Stupid Public Attending This Event

yesterday are I am afraid just plain daft. They reckon 60,000 attended the event. I am rarely critical as such of my fellow Human beings but the media sure has whipped up some hysteria and the Mayor of London in Hyde Park was pathetic.

He's never seen anything like this in his life...they've lit a cauldron from a torch...Many do that on a smaller scale when they light their gas cooker every day. OK I jest, I'm not being serious. I heard this speech on the radio news and thought "Pathetic!"

If you want to see the images and hear the speech here's a link...You don't need to bother with the article(though it points out gaffs from a politician visiting from the States)but our PM has upset the people of Salt Lake City now, so they're all at it!

Just click on the link to the site to see the video

The Olympics has still managed to give me some material to write about...Smiley


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Though I know it's certainly no everyones cup of tea, but I'm actually looking forward to the Olympics. I've loved them and watched them since I was a kid.

We won't be getting the Opening Ceremonies until 7:30 tomorrow night (we only have broadcast television). My daughter-in-law is my Olympics buddy. She enjoys them as much as I do.

She's bringing snacks and we're making a night of it! Cheap fun, I say. :o)

I apologize about that loudmouth from the States. He's an no attention.

I was watching a documentary about the ancient Olympics and apparently politics, cheating and money always played a part those as well. was ever thus. :o(

By the by, love the logo with Big Ben! Very nice! :o)


27 July 2012 at 10:18  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I always did Jan and I think I am cynical because if the politicians and how the event is being used by them, it's been hijacked and the real ideal of the Olympics has been lost. Or as you suggest perhaps it was always so.

The chimes of Big Ben was the nicest touch so far...

I do hpe that you enjoy it and it is nice to see such a positive view of the event.

It probably is too easy to be critical.

27 July 2012 at 12:21  
Blogger crl2amb said...


I hope you enjoy it too. Even if it is not my thing, I hope the people who are genuinely interested, enjoy it very much. Lord knows, we have all paid a huge price so that's the least we can expect.

I just hope all the attendees (my son included get there safe and sound, enjoy it and get home safe and sound) - that goes for all the staff too (however incomepetent they may be through no fault of their own!).



27 July 2012 at 13:57  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think one is always more critical of them when yours is the host country, don't you?

I really felt bad for you guys after the financial disasters hit. I knew it would really be a burden on you all. Seems like the last time you hosted it was during difficult financial times.

Perhaps, they really will bring an influx of revenue and not just a drain on the coffers. Here's hoping! :o/


27 July 2012 at 14:10  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You all take such great care in making things like this special, crl2amb, I'm sure it will be wonderful. :o)

I never worry about the problems. I don't know how anyone could possible host something that big without some sort of problems. It's unrealistic to expect perfection, imo.

And that idiot from the States seems to conveniently forget...we let a bomb go off when we, frankly, he should keep his big mouth shut.


27 July 2012 at 14:16  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to the opening night later on. I do want it to be a success. There are so many people wanting things to go wrong, it's sad. Right, maybe Olympics are not everyone's cup of tea, but there are plenty of programmes that are not to do with the Olympics, do it's easy to avoid.

I'm only interested in the athletics which come later, but I will watch the news, and I will celebrate if/when we win medals in any event.I will even be choked when they fly our flag and play the national anthem

I'm generalising here as well, not pointing the finger at anyone in here. But let's at least wish them well, and hope the games are a huge success. It's time we had something to cheer about., there's enough doom and gloom about this year.

27 July 2012 at 17:13  
Blogger crl2amb said...

So right anon. There is certainly enough doom and gloom!


27 July 2012 at 19:06  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you think you could write a wittier speech ? I very much doubt it !I thought Boris's speech was hilarious , he really got the audience going & good for him having a go at Mitt Romney . What a cheek of Mitt Romney saying publically he had doubts about the security & I gather he made other gaffes as well. Very undiplomatic behaviour. I apologise to any Americans who read this !

27 July 2012 at 19:17  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Perhaps but it just seemed to be mainly shouting out remarks you know the crowd will shout yes to or cheer!

I do agree(even though I am not interested)with much that Jan and Carol have said. Yes, I really do...

27 July 2012 at 21:57  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But not with what I said.

Thank you Carol.

I'm not the Anon talking about the speech!

28 July 2012 at 00:53  

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