Another Problem For The Olympics...
Two actually...but the first is the worst!
Now this should have been sorted years ago in the planning stage(Why have they waited until now to publicise the problem?)Make up your own answers. They've had seven years to prepare for it! The building that is hosting the diving competition is badly laid out seating wise and if you have a ticket quite a way back everyone taking part will look like ants...
Anyhow, they've decided that the views for many are so restricted they are offering refunds to those who have purchased tickets and somewhere in the region of 5,000 spectators are affected. The tickets cost £50. I hope the ticket holders have been contacted and told this already rather than turn up on the day having spent probably more than the price of the ticket if they have travelled from other parts of the UK.
Here's a link to the story and images but I have saved you time and the effort with my synopsis of the story and I don't think I have been biased in what I have said. Of course there will be positive stories but those will be featured everywhere. I'm not looking for Olympic stories but if they come my way, I'll make a comment even if it's negative.
I've been thinking, with all the sponsorship and rights to the Olympics for images and tv and radio rights...I'm tempted to say that virtually no public money should be invested in the event and possibly the tickets should be free and a way should be found to distribute them more fairly. As those attending have either the money to afford them or are going to be paying off the debt for some time to come.
It should live or die on it's reputation and deliver what they keep calling on the radio "The Greatest Show On Earth!" One comedian has called the Olympics a glorified sports day!"

Another gaff regarding football teams/players...after the fiasco over the wrong flag being shown when N. Korea now it involves a football player on Team GB...
Now this should have been sorted years ago in the planning stage(Why have they waited until now to publicise the problem?)Make up your own answers. They've had seven years to prepare for it! The building that is hosting the diving competition is badly laid out seating wise and if you have a ticket quite a way back everyone taking part will look like ants...
Anyhow, they've decided that the views for many are so restricted they are offering refunds to those who have purchased tickets and somewhere in the region of 5,000 spectators are affected. The tickets cost £50. I hope the ticket holders have been contacted and told this already rather than turn up on the day having spent probably more than the price of the ticket if they have travelled from other parts of the UK.
Here's a link to the story and images but I have saved you time and the effort with my synopsis of the story and I don't think I have been biased in what I have said. Of course there will be positive stories but those will be featured everywhere. I'm not looking for Olympic stories but if they come my way, I'll make a comment even if it's negative.
I've been thinking, with all the sponsorship and rights to the Olympics for images and tv and radio rights...I'm tempted to say that virtually no public money should be invested in the event and possibly the tickets should be free and a way should be found to distribute them more fairly. As those attending have either the money to afford them or are going to be paying off the debt for some time to come.
It should live or die on it's reputation and deliver what they keep calling on the radio "The Greatest Show On Earth!" One comedian has called the Olympics a glorified sports day!"

Another gaff regarding football teams/players...after the fiasco over the wrong flag being shown when N. Korea now it involves a football player on Team GB...
What a pity you're not interested in the Olympics, & only critisise the event on your blog .
What are you going to do with yourself while they're on ? Snipe from the sidelines ? !
No not really, if I hear something good I'll say so...I will listen to the music on the radio, my pc and internet, try and get out more perhaps(weather permitting)continue to get the house in order...plenty to stay interested in.
How do you see yourself in say 10 years time?
Just doing the same as you are today in the same house? albeit with entropy creeping along.
Best part of everyone around here have been in the same house for years, only leaving when they pass away.
For most life is routine, dominated by work. Keeping your job, income earned and possibly unexpected events that happen such as illness.
You can take control of your life up to a point but usually those are small steps and often you will still be dependent on others.
If things go wrong you need to go back to Mum and Dad or ask for help from the State.
Few are truly independent. And when something really life changing happens such as illness that can really throw things out of kilter.
And without meaning to depress anyone further the older we are the harder it is change things.
I don't plan to degrade as suggested but physically should that happen due to illness and age that is to some extent out of my hands.
Where will you be in ten years time?
Can you say with certainty that you know?
If you are doing the same thing everyday without changing, then life will pass very quickly and it may ultimately be affecting your health?.Doing tasks and challenges for work or whatever are rewarding in themselves.
As long as you can be honest with yourself and say your happy or not with the status quo then that's ok- but its no good making your self miserable & keep moaning about what benefits and social security you may or may not get.There must be more to life than waiting for the check to come thru the post surely?.
If you are sure that you will have a certain amount and can live within that means, a lot of stress can be lifted from your shoulders just as if you know that if you are assessed they will say medically you are unwell, you don't have that hanging over you.
Then on the days you feel a little better perhaps you can do something a bit a ride on a coach somewhere and have a change of scenery.
On the other hand though a a little holiday would proably do me good, if you are on a tight budget that restricts what spare cash you have.
And when you take money from the State you are watched so for anyone who thinks, it's great, think again...
It's much nicer to be in charge of your own well being.
There should be more to life, I won't disagree. As I said previously I bet there are many people working who find they are trapped in a daily routine. And money is the cause.
More so at present because the country's economy is in such a mess...
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