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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Changes To How...

benefits are paid, what you are entitled to, whether you can have any help are frightening. One concerning how Council Tax is worked out, will from what I have read in the following article, affect everyone in some way, even those not receipt of benefit but may be working or retired.

To me it has some aspects of what the Tory Government managed to do many years ago when the population were so riled up about the Poll Tax many took to the streets and the policy was changed.

They just keep chipping away at the little money the population has...

However, here's a link to a newspaper article...the media often have given up reporting stories like this so no wonder many have no idea what's going on...

The poll tax is back from the dead


Blogger crl2amb said...

"Hard Work" by Polly Toynbee one of the best books I have read about the working poor. She actually lives it and it really shows up the realities behind these huge agencies employing people at minimum wage.


PS In fact I am going to buy it again, I lent it to someone and never got it back.

25 July 2012 at 17:50  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I may look it out at the library(I'll have to join it again)

Two programmes on tonight that may make depressing viewing for those affected or might be. But may be an eye opener to those who are so critical of welfare and the may also give anyone who has not had to use the system yet what it is like should they ever need to...

No good to anyone outside the UK and they have a time restriction on them but will be on line for a few days via 4OD and the BBC I Player...

I'll watch them later on...even though it will just worry me more...

Dispatches. 8pm, Channel 4
“Using undercover filming, reporter Jackie Long investigates the shocking processes used to assess whether sickness and disability benefit claimants should be declared fit for work.”

Disabled or faking it? 8.30pm, BBC2
“Panorama investigates the government's plans to end the so-called 'sick note culture' and their attempts to get millions of people off disability benefits and into work.

In Britain's modern welfare state, millions are being paid to private companies to assess sick and disabled claimants but is the system working? Or are new tests wrongly victimising those who deserve support the most.

25 July 2012 at 19:59  

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