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Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Olympic Torch Relay...

Through my town last weekend was featured in this week's free sheet and I was not alone at my disappointment. A letter made most of the points that I did...that it seemed to be just an after thought, most of the event was not planned so most watching did not get a decent view and the question was asked again "Why were those from our area, not running trough our town"

Considering how the logo of the Olympics is protected and so prominent to everything connected to the event I have just realised that nowhere was it on show or really visible, so that's a surprise. I know it's easy to criticise rather than praise but sometimes we have a habit of going a long with things and keeping quiet.

A bit like the old story we often hear, where we go out for a meal, are unhappy but when the waiter asks if everything is ok, we say "Everything  is fine!" and pay up!


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