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Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Once Again...

Whilst waiting for Mum's money and whist I have a really small amount of my own in my bank, I have paid upfront for my Broadband and phone line so wherever I go that is safe for the year! As long as I can afford the electric. Please God that I can...

Now I am thinking of doing the same with the TV license and going against my decision not to watch TV. And I'll worry next year.

On the other hand I talked with my new ISP company tonight and the person at the call centre says he watches all his tv on the net(and does not bother with the license)so should I try and save the fee?

I don't know. As TV uses a lot of bandwith I'd have to watch overnight probably so its still easier to turn the TV on. I'm still watching a TV that is nearly 28 years old so I would probably have to invest in a new flat screen if the DWP will allow me to and not see it as spending for the sake of it!

I can manage with the old carpets, sofa and curtains...though I think I can pick up a sofa at Argos for around £300 so they might allow that in the future. And the same may be true of a mattress even if I don't replace the bed(single or double)

I have discovered the deal I managed to get at Plusnet for the internet is coming to an end soon so just as well I took the plunge.

And if things change drastically next year I'll see what other deals are available. The nearest to Plusnet at present would apear to be Tesco(the supermarket)Is there anything that they don't do?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

With the funeral coming up, if any relatives turn up, then I feel they have a certain obligation to give a you a bit of support at this time- so dont hold back with them if there is anything you need help with.
I have seen it before, relatives coming out the woodwork, saying what a lovely funeral, filling up their doggy bag at the meal and then clearing off with not so much as an 'how are you coping,can I help'

2 May 2012 at 23:44  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Relative wise I can only think of a Brother of Mum's and his wife, possibly two nephews and their wives. After that carers who looked after Mum at our home, some relatives from Dad's side of the family(which is a lovely surprise)myself, the parents of my best friend, two of Mum's friends, a friend who used to dance with Mum(perhaps at a weekly meeting at the RAFA Club)when she was in better health, a couple of neighbours, our gardener(possibly his wife)another person who knew Mum so perhaps we'll have managed to have around nineteen in the end attending the service. Some cannot attend because of work or being on holiday.

I have heard nothing about anyone bringing any flowers so I am afraid that there may not be many or any other than some I have been promised would arrive from the other Brother in America and my own.

They are supposed to be being delivered at my home today but nothing has arrived yet.

I may go and see Mum one last time today in the Chapel of Rest and I'll take the card down to the florist with my card to go with my flowers with my inscription...

I can only think of saying, For Mum, I will always love you, All my love, your son Anthony xx

On the Mother's Day card in the coffin I had already said You mean the world to me, All My Love from your son Anthony xxx

I have a lovely Birthday card here that I could put in too but I may decide to put it up when Mum's Birthday comes around each year.

3 May 2012 at 10:51  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

There is no buffet/reception after the funeral/crematorium because I don't think that many are actually going to the crem and they are leaving after the service at the church.

We'll have to see.

In a strange way I may feel relieved after the service is over but when I come home and close the door behind me, it will seem very flat and I will realise that now I am truely alone and my new life will be starting.

3 May 2012 at 10:57  

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