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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sorry, Another Boring Technical Post...

I hope I won't regret doing so but I have come away from BT regarding my phone line and by paying a year in advance I have saved £31. I decided to take their broadband offer as there are 6 months free...I nearly went for the cheapest/lowest broadband offer which would've meant paying only £38.94 in the first year but what I saved on the phone rental I decided almost paid for a larger, higher priced Broadband package so I signed up for 60GB. I can switch between packages at any time so I can come back down to the lowest available.

And in the second year I might do that when I have to pay for the broadband all the year around. I may have no choice.

Its still cheaper than paying BT for the line and approx £4 per month than the ISP I am with at present. And in the year where I get 6 months free Broadband I am still £21.01 better off compared to the previous ISP.

Through giving up Sky and the TV license of course I have save on the Sky monthly sub and license fee so that's a saving of approx £312 annually and again if I take away what the telephone and Broadband  from that figure I have saved £129.14.

If I can afford to watch TV normally and things work out ok my satellite box has become a Freesat box when Sky switch off their pay channels so it still receives some free to air channels(TV and Radio)I think they said 220 in total though how many would interest is another matter. If that is the case I would just have to find the licence fee.And the license would take me back to roughly what I would normally pay for the phone and internt.

But I can watch a little TV on here if its not live and is recorded/material already broadcast.

I have been told that 10GB would mean as an example I can...

"If you watched 10hrs of iPlayer, you tube etc. a week you would only accumulate 6GB of monthly usage. You can surf the Internet as much as you like as 60hrs a week only accumulates 3.5GB a month. 10hrs a day of on line radio only accumulates 1GB a month"

And at present I will have 60GB a month.

And I have free usage that does not affect my allowance between midnight and 8am(That's available even on the lowest package)

The only thing I did not like and I did not find out until I had got through all the signing up process was that though I paid a year in advance for the phone line rental on the credit card so I know that's paid for until April 2013 and out of the way but the payments are monthly on the Broadband and I was going to pay that off the card so I knew that was OK until the same time next year and then I would not have to think about it until the line rental comes up again. But they wanted to set up a Direct Debit for the instalments for BB.

I hope I can manage to pay for it but that's only around 35p per day. What can you do for such a small amount?
I'll worry nearer the time.
I may still have to watch how much gas I use for heating this place but I doubt that I use less electric than I do. I only use one light(on the landing through the light)possibly to cook in a microwave or a stove when I am doing a meal and my PC's and radio's. I don't how much power a radio and light uses(hopefully not much) So if anything takes the power it will be the PC's. The power company thinks my electric bill is quite low monthly(approx £60)so that's approx £2 per day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

£60 a month for electricity. That seems very high unless all cooking was done by cooking, I suppose.
The two of us live in a large semi heated by gas central heating but our electricity bill are about £65/75 per quarter and that is with the usual electricaal accoutrements found in most houses nowadays. Mind you, our 6 months gas bill for heating and cooking for the last two quarters,is approaching £700.


29 April 2012 at 16:23  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Mine for now a three bedroom semi, that will annoy a few. Maybe PC's use a lot of electric or when the gas is on the electric pump that sends the water around the system all adds up.

I don't know if I could find a better deal or spread the cost or take both from one supplier.

The next few weeks/months will be difficult and interesting.

29 April 2012 at 16:56  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes seems a bit steep for electricity as I probably use the same stuff as you do? apart from gas cooking.
Due the fact I am in financial troubled water myself I have only just managed to change the big old computer monitor for a s/h flat screen, but I still have an old fashioned big back TV. But they say old TVs use less electric than the new ones.but the reverse is true for monitors flat computer monitors are better on electric than the old ones.
Total leccy bill about £32 a month.

29 April 2012 at 23:18  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought you said one time that you had paid more electricity than you needed and you'd accumulated about £500 which will help with the extra you had used while your Mum was I'll.

Perhaps you've been paying too much each month to do that. You need to speak to your supplier and have it reduced each month if that's the case.

30 April 2012 at 00:16  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

No the gas bill was £507 and I'd paid £500 on to the credit card so that took care of last quarter. Somehow when they did a reading of the last meter reading to see if the meter is working right...we were in credit and there is still approx £100 credit but I don't know how much of that will remain when the bill arrives in June or if I'll be in this property then.

I hope that I am still here a little bit longer.

30 April 2012 at 11:29  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

That's the electric I'm talking about now.

30 April 2012 at 11:34  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm very confused now!

30 April 2012 at 12:29  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A simple meter reading over several days of typical use, now that you are on your own, will tell you how much of gas and electricity you are using.
I used to pay a regular amount to British Gas by monthly Standing Order but they discontinued this method of payment and wanted me to go to Direct Debit, which I refused to do. Instead, I now receive quarterly bills, usually sent when I submit a meter reading and they then send me a bill which I pay at my local Post Office - far simpler although not the cheapest solution.


30 April 2012 at 14:32  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

That's the way we've always paid(Quarterly)but the last time I talked to them they suggested doing what you suggest to get an idea what is used and then they'll average the cost over the year and let me pay monthly. But you could actually be paying more than you should if done monthly?

Another person told me that they were in credit with either the gas or elecric supplier and they still took it out of his bank rather than out of the surplus money that was in credit.

30 April 2012 at 19:20  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But if you keep on giving them money, in advance so to speak then they are getting interest on your money rather than yourself. Keep your money in a place where it can make some interest and then pay them when you are ready at the end of a quarter. Admittedly, by this method you don't get their better discount offers as you would by paying by Direct Debit.
Still,it's up to you.


30 April 2012 at 23:15  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

So I will probably stick to paying are right Nick but I will see if I can find a deal that will reduce what I pay annually, even if that means buying both gas and elecric from one supplier.

My savings won't be in a savings account as I will be drawing on them so I won't get interest anyhow...

1 May 2012 at 10:40  
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