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Saturday, April 14, 2012


I don't know much about it. I haven't see any movie or TV series about it and in many ways the media have romanticised a tragic event. The same is true that I have not looked up the event on the internet or read any books about it. I don't know how I feel about attention its getting 100 years on almost to the hour as I write this.

I see BBC Radio 2 is doing a special between 11.30pm and 2.30am called Minute by Minute and the newspaper listing suggests it will take a close look at the band/orchestra that was on board. Radio 5 has a special between 1am-5am too.

Perhaps I'll listen to both and for once see what I can learn and it could be interesting/enlightning.

The only fact I know is that the liner sank within two hours.



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