Here's A Bit Of A Worry...
I had to inform the DWP that Mum is in a Nursing Home and that she/we are no longer entitled to a benefit regarding her care if she was at home which obviously she isn't :-(
So now they say they have to find out who is paying her care the NHS or the Local Authority.
So they have taken note of the home's address and telephone number.
Now I assume though we were told Mum's savings would not be touched nor her state pension(Could that now be a possibility?)Perhaps this arrangement was only temporary.
If they do, I assume Mum will only receive "Pocket" money whih I think is only approx £28 a week(and I can spend that on all the things I am trying to feed her to try and improve her health and build her up)
And then I am only on a small benefit myself weekly and it costs me £70 a week to visit Mum and I don't want to give up any visit or time I have with her, time is precious. So I wonder how all this will affect me. I don't think that I am entitled to any help regarding taxi's to the home.
But as I have just informed the DWP it will take a little time for them to sort things out I assume.
Money is likely to get even tighter...I don't care though as Mum is worth it and I'll do all that I can for her but I worry that I may not be able to.
So now they say they have to find out who is paying her care the NHS or the Local Authority.
So they have taken note of the home's address and telephone number.
Now I assume though we were told Mum's savings would not be touched nor her state pension(Could that now be a possibility?)Perhaps this arrangement was only temporary.
If they do, I assume Mum will only receive "Pocket" money whih I think is only approx £28 a week(and I can spend that on all the things I am trying to feed her to try and improve her health and build her up)
And then I am only on a small benefit myself weekly and it costs me £70 a week to visit Mum and I don't want to give up any visit or time I have with her, time is precious. So I wonder how all this will affect me. I don't think that I am entitled to any help regarding taxi's to the home.
But as I have just informed the DWP it will take a little time for them to sort things out I assume.
Money is likely to get even tighter...I don't care though as Mum is worth it and I'll do all that I can for her but I worry that I may not be able to.
I think you may have to borrow a bike, Gildy.
In my area, we have some people who have formed groups called "Friends of......whatever area" and they help people out, getting to hospitals and whatnot.
I just worry that you seem to carry so much responsibility. Do you ever get to chat these things out of your system. I have a friend who always says...the best way is to chat it out. Lovely saying.
Carol X
I know how you feel always worrying about money.
I am about to invest in another second hand car .....keep your fingers crossed that I get lucky this time!
Its so true Carol...what you say...good luck with the car by the way...
Ant x
VQ I was laid in bed the other day and was thinking about the bike bad as my mobility is I thought, to get to the shops(approx two streets away that could be handy and save me taxi fares)and I also thought I probably could bile to Mum's home and back...
And then it crossed my mind it just takes one awkward neighbour or some over zealous official to see me biking and they'd say if you are fit enough to ride a bike, there's not much wrong with you.
The new assesment asks(I am serious)whether you watch Eastenders...I assume if you say that you can they'll say that you are fit.
Years ago a Dr who assessed me asked if watched tv a lot, well I did not want to seem lazy so I said no and I said that I tried to exercise/walk a little with much difficulty.
You have to try don't cut the story short, though I was heading for dialysis, transplant or death he said that I was fit!
Another thought otherwise and said I should not have even been there.
The official document from the original Dr bore no resemblance of what happened at the test centre and was "Lies!"
That's why I have no faith in the new tests and the changes being brought in...
Mixed news...about Mum's care. She is under NHS care not the Local Authority so we are reasonably safe regarding the money situation(but I guess that also means Mum is seriously ill :-()but good from the money point of view...
Tonight, Mum was happy, content, not in pain, not afraid...and managed around 800 calories(that's only approx 150 less than what I have had today)
The taxi drivers have got to know my/our story and tonight one even radioed the taxi driver beinging me home to ask how Mum was...
How nice is that?
I usually use another firm who are just as nice but they are not always able to pick me up when I wish and although it's only 50p, this firm is cheaper per trip so I save...£7 per week.
I've even heard it said that if you are classed as disabled, or you receive help they try to restrict how much time you spend on a computer(again playing on the if you can use a're fit!)
I often set something away and go away from the machine or if I am writing a blog I'll do it in stages.
And my pc is mainly used as a hi-fi where I play music or the radio through it. So its being used for an entirely different reason.
You have to be virtually a prisoner and stay within the four walls of your home now if you claim or are entitled to help. But if they say "You musn't do this, mustn't do that..." How are you expected to fill your days?
In the old days when Unions first started they were quite strict with anyone who qualified for financial help if you were ill.
They did not expect to see you outside of your home and the only exception was to attend church.
Now, its the Government.
I reassessed how many calories Mum had and its nearer 850, that's even better.
The Care Home may give Mum physical care but I give just as much in reality by giving emotional support, just being there, holding Mum's hand, helping to feed her etc...
It helps calm and reassure Mum...
If I was unable to spend as much time, just as I worried what may happen at the hospital, I supect Mum would just sleep much of her time away without me giving some mental stimulation.
I know that what you say about being assessed is true.
I knew someone who had a bad motor cycle accident. They turned him down, saying that he was pretending to limp because they watched him as he left the building and he wasn't limping then.
That was years ago. He still limps now!
It is most odd as I live on a housing estate and there are masses of people who have never worked and they seem worried not a jot.
I used to know someone in London who evaded working for the 27 years I have known him. He used to boast he knew all the tricks. He claimed depression and back pain.
I once asked how he managed the reviews and he said he used to drink before going to them and they were sympathetic as he claimed to be an alcoholic. Result? Free transport around London!
He was very arrogant and said no way would he work for minimum wage.
Maybe some would say I should have reported him, but in a lot of ways he was a very sad character and to go to such lengths to avoid working (he was very healthy, cycled, went to gymn etc!)shows something is wrong. /then again he may just be the really WISE one!!!!
Carol people like that(they are fewer than we are led to believe)haven't helped.
And the genuine as VQ mentions lose out.
I got up at around 3am and decided to do a little snack(Pickled onions and cheese in a wholemeal bun)I got downstiars and found I could hardly walk and was in much pain and having a walking stick did not help.
It was a real struggle. I was in two minds whether I needed to contact someone for help.
Somehow I got back to bed and my plans to see Mum sooner have been knocked on the head. I planned to get up earlier but I fell asleep(managed to be warmer)and I am better than I was, now how can that be explained when being assessed? My knees and hip joints hurt now how can that be explained when being assessed?
I'm a little bit earlier, so I'll get on.
If your mum is not receiving any medical treatment in the home, then I can't see why she shouldn't be at home with you if that is what you and she would prefer.
Especially so as (hopefully) the warmer weather is approaching and you shouldn't be needing the heating on 24/7.
Well Anthony it is just unfrtunate that people like yourself are going to pay the price for the parasites that previous governments have encouraged and nutured.
Sadly I think their long term plans are coming to fruition at this time.
Anthony it is good you got some sleep after all. You are right tho, it is blooming cold at the moment.
That chap I mentioned, well I lost touch with him, but he managed to go from long term invalidity to pensioner without lifting an arm!
To make it even more annoying, he got the most beautiful flat in a block in a lovely area of London!
Have a good day and love to Mum.
To some extent I think being in the home helps confusion set in, if you are sleeping a lot and as night sets in Mum can say a few things that are mixed up but I don't see quite as dementia.
Like last night she asked why her neighbour had not come to see her and though she was next dorr to the room she's in in the home...
And another neighbour she thought was in prison!
That doesn't happen very often I hasten to add. Medication probably doesn't help.
Thanks for the good wishes Carol.
VQ, they change Mum and turn her over every couple of hours but I did that here and whether I liked the Social Worker or not we did have her checking on us, plus access to carers, a District Nurse and Dr's from the local surgery.
Mum never had bedsores here and she had a larger bed to move around in. Also someone familar with her 24/7... Me :-)
And here we used to put lots of moisturiser on her body(they never put any cream on Mum's body at the home)
And its hard to get at her when the bed has kind of bars down the side and whilst you and I know there is nothing wrong in me doing that with Mum, I doubt they'd like it.
I get sent out of the room whenever they come in to see to Mum anyhow.
I gave Mum her tablets last night and again I spread them out.
Assuming Mum is still here for quite some time I may still do all I can to get Mum home again...
It will be helped by/if she continues to improve and not come across as weak(and put some weight on)still she's only been there over three weeks so far and we told to allow a few weeks to see how things went.
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