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Friday, April 13, 2012

I Hope That Mum Will Be Alright Tonight...

perhaps I should have stayed...they did not rush me away but I was there until almost Midnight.

When I left Mum she was calm, sleeping soundly and not in pain but the Nurse is concerned about her and if she'll be ok so checked that they have a phone number for me...

Mum had a reasonable night with me and ate/ drank reasonably well...they've given Mum a new mattress worth £1,400 too the pump on the previous air mattress stopped working as it should and was noisy. This one has no pump.

But just as I was about to leave, Mum was sick(not much)a friend who is a nurse said it could be acid reflux through being in bed a lot or...morphine can cause it!

Mum managed a Hovis digestive biscuit and a small drink of tea before I left her.

I hope to see her tomorrow...all I keep hearing is that Mum is not a "Well Woman!" But we'll just have to see...


Anonymous VQ said...

Well, let's hope for the best, Gildy.
As we've said before, take one day at a time.
It's good that your mum was calm, sleeping soundly and not in pain.
And a digestive biscuit sounds a bit more solid than a lot of the food she's had recently.
'The Home' seems to be pretty reasonable about letting you stay so long.
I hope you managed to sleep.

14 April 2012 at 08:21  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Well, the Nurse checked if they had a phone number for me in case they had to call me, thankfully last night was not "the night"

I have a head cold and I'm a bit concerned about giving it to Mum(but I think I have had it coming on for a few days)so I doubt it will make any difference now.

And as time is precious and if I stayed away she'd suffer emotionally I guess I better still pop in and see her.

Time is tight I'll get myself together and try and get away...

Thanks for your thoughts VQ...

14 April 2012 at 13:36  

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