Another Cold Night At Gildy Towers...
Quilt and extra blankets on the bed and I was still cold. I snatched know the kind you wake at 2am, 3am, 4am and so on.
Having said that, what is there to get up for? So today I didn't...I've only been up approx 20 minutes. The difference is that I have the choice...Mum sadly doesn't.
It's cold, wet and dull outside and not much else that I can add.
In some ways I prefer it that way as if something happens it will be something I'd rather did not happen.
I'll try and keep an interest in life and avoid getting depressed but I won't be surprised if to some extent this will be the pattern my life will follow in future years.
Anyhow, with no shopping to do lets see if I can get ready a little quicker and taxi's allowing see Mum a little earlier.
Having said that, what is there to get up for? So today I didn't...I've only been up approx 20 minutes. The difference is that I have the choice...Mum sadly doesn't.
It's cold, wet and dull outside and not much else that I can add.
In some ways I prefer it that way as if something happens it will be something I'd rather did not happen.
I'll try and keep an interest in life and avoid getting depressed but I won't be surprised if to some extent this will be the pattern my life will follow in future years.
Anyhow, with no shopping to do lets see if I can get ready a little quicker and taxi's allowing see Mum a little earlier.
Oddly enough, I stayed in bed much later than usual today too.
Will it ever warm up again?
I do hope so.
Hope you found your mum well today, Gildy.
I hope that I do VQ,
I'm just about to leave and have two carriers full of a variety of stuff...if I can get a small lemon cheesecake into Mum that has 395 calories in it!
I never realised how cold a house is without heating.
I see we have another prommise again by this Government that the energy companies have to write to us at least once a year and tell us their cheapest tarrif and that we'll save £100 on averager annually.
Who believes that?
If the tarrif is cheaper surely that means you'll get less gas? Or be restricted as to when you can use the heating?
Or as prices rise anyhow, you'll save £100 but not notice because all prices have risen anyhow.
We've loft insulation, cavity wall insulation, double glazing etc...but is it making any difference when I don't put the heating on? It maybe stops heat escaping when you put the heating on...
Actually, does this mean without the extra insulation our homes would be even colder?
What a thought!
See you later...
I don't pretend to know much about these things but, here, it has been colder indoors than out. I suppose that means that, if your house is well insulated, it keeps it cold.
Well, a nice, warm pair of socks helps together with a couple of jumpers and a fleece.
I think that you are right's probably keeping buildings colder so is it as good as they say?
I have heard it said that lots of baggy clothing keeps you warmer(something about trapped air)between the layers of clothing.
Did I say I was going to paint some nail varnish on Mum's toenails and...found they have socks on her feet :-)
There's a chiropidist(sp?)coming in next week I think(I think the person is charging £12 for feet or £15 for hands and feet.
Just back from another shopping trip...that's me finished for quite a while, after paying the taxi fare and paying for the goods I had 22p in my pocket.
I have had those kind of nights too just like your Anthony.
I have a horrible cold. Infact I have had three illnesses, one after the other and it has really affected my sleep.
Not to mention the horrendus dreams. It's like going to the horror movies sometimes....;)
I think I have a cold at present so I'll have to be careful, don't to pass that onto Mum.
I haven't been in touch with many people but it may be I have caught it at the home for all I know...
One of the nurses had a cold last week.
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