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Sunday, April 08, 2012

Hope I Am Not Tempting Fate...

But I contacted a friend Mum used to go to a church with and she hasn't seen for a number of years but she used to go and pray for me and my well being.

She's moved away but I found her telephone number and she's going to put us into their prayers as an on going thing at their chapel.

And I am thinking of contacting the local church Mum used to attend before she was more housebound to see if they'll include her in their prayers too...

Well, I'm away...if I can manage to get a taxi and not have to wait I'll get an extra hour with Mum.


Anonymous VQ said...

Good for you.
When we were told that our teenage son was about to die, we had prayers said in several different church - different denominations: Catholic, C of E, Methodist and Spiritualist. We weren't church-goers but we were clutching at straws.
Thirty years later, he is still here and reasonably fit.
It's true - where there's life, there's hope.
Some people say it's all mumbo jumbo but none of us really knows.
What I do know is that, when we hit rock bottom, God is the one whose name we call.
Go for it, Gildy!

8 April 2012 at 15:26  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

There is much that we don't understand and of course many could say "If there is a God...why does he allow this or that to happen!"

And why are some not blessed when they ask for help.

That I cannot answer. Some things are just to great to understand or comprehend.

Too many scientists/doctors are still believers and they out of all you'd think would be less likely to have a faith.

When they go on about Big Bang Theory, you can only go back so far and even they are stumped.

Too many of us have had to face adversity as you have made clear VQ.

I contacted the local church too and the Rev apparently does a kind of service at the home Mum's in and she says she'll go and visit Mum(Mum says she is ok with that)and now Mum is being mentioned daily in the prayers.

8 April 2012 at 23:51  
Blogger Span Ows said...

I'm "ignostic" Gildy (Not AGnostic). In a nutshell and very simply, an Ignostic is someone who knows we cannot 'just' have evolved but doesn't subscribe to 'God' as we know it. Thinking of the millions of cells and chemical reactions and synergistic interaction that goes on just to move a finger/blink an eyelid; the intricate and absolutely phenomenal workings of human brain (and the other organs) tells us there MUST be more to how we appeared. One story I heard and like is that believing solely in evolution is like believing a hurricane can blow through a scrap yard and when the dust settles there's a fully built and functional jumbo jet thrown together by the wind.

9 April 2012 at 08:12  
Anonymous VQ said...

Whatever the truth is, I think it must be very comforting to have a faith.
Just saying that you believe isn't enough. You need to actually FEEL that you believe.
I wish I could do that.

9 April 2012 at 10:53  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Yes to both of those ideas Span and VQ.

There have been times when Mum used to pray for me/with me and I did feel some kind of comfort by her words but whether that is a genuine response of something greater or some kind of Human response is difficult to say.

I have had times where I can say I truely believe but then like so many I go through periods of doubt but even if I did say "I have my faith!"

There are some people/religions that worry me by how religion dominates their lives. The kind where people seem to be on some kind of trip similar to taking a drug.

9 April 2012 at 14:14  

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