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Thursday, April 05, 2012

Just A Quickie!

I hope to be away earlier today(He said!)My stomach is going round and my mind cannot rest so better that I do something even though I'm not really interested in mundane every day things.

Just had another bill arrive regarding Mum's care when she was at home covering the period just before Mum went into hospital/nursing home. So that's another £106.94 to pay.

You know I wish I Mum was at home and I was paying that for years and years. Mum's worth it.

Not much that I can add...


Anonymous VQ said...

It may be Easter but I'm still as cold as I was at Christmas.
Hope you're well wrapped up, Gildy.
I'm spending more and more time in bed, just to keep warm.
At least your mum is sure to be kept warm where she is.

5 April 2012 at 20:09  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Happy Easter VQ!

What have we come to?

They say here's heat and electric to make your life comfortable but then so many cannot afford to use it!

I heard a piece on posibly the World Service or was it The World Tonight on Radio 4 just the other night, we are no better than Soweto(sp?)in Africa.

Well, in many ways we probably are but they are having similar problems over a population unable to afford/access water, electric and heating.

And some political party is pushing for these three things to be basic rights that whatever your situation(even if you are ill or unemployed)You will have these utilities. I got the impression this was for free.

I have had arguments in the past when people used to get quite awkward about the time "We" spent in bed, often because its a lovely feeling when you do it because you want to and also because often it is warmer in bed and often living upstairs is also warmer than downstairs.

All I/we ever asked for was to be able to eat well, stay warm and be able to pay our bills, is that too much to ask for?

5 April 2012 at 23:23  

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