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Friday, April 06, 2012

Before I Go...

You know that I have mentioned before about being worried about having a roof over my head and whether I'll be able to continue to claim financial help being that I am not in good health after Mum passes away.

I might've been able to manage until the new rules and criteria were introduced by the coalition Government we have in power who are going after seemingly everyone that they can and keep saying "We're all in this together!" and really they have no idea as most have a nice nest egg or investments and are mainly millionaires.

I keep being told I have nothing to fear and in my case having lived here 50+ years and having had my name on the rent card for almost 30 years I am safe.

I like the area that I live, I like the fact it is near the shops etc...and it is a safe neighbourhood.

I might concede a smaller house/bedsit might be better for me as a single person and that a three bed roomed house would be better given to a family but on the other hand I don't want to be put just anywhere nor do I want to move to a different town. Also there are very few small properties available so where are they to be found?

There has just been a letter in a local free sheet that popped through the door where someone has not had a permanent home for maybe 20 years+ but has finally managed to get back onto this town and been given a two bed roomed house and it means he can live near to and look after his aged mother.

But as he says now thanks to the new rules coming in he will lose or have to pay £13 for the spare bedroom he will not be using and he says its unfair when there are no properties available from the Housing Association that runs all the social housing in the area cannot offer anything smaller.

Another fair point he makes is that you may need a spare room for visitors, guests or returning family members as none of us know what the future holds but whilst that room is empty you'll still have to find £13.

And we all know that even if you could move into a smaller property eventually the rent will rise so you will end up paying probably what you were paying for the property you moved out of.

Its tempting to go into private property and hope you get a decent landlord but once you do that if things go wrong you are back to square one.

Someone said on the radio that the problem is that rents are too high and that's probably due to private landlords and rents should really come down, if that happened tenants might be able to afford to live there or the Government might be less likely to withdraw Housing Benefit. Its not going to happen. Its not helped by the Government using  London and similar cities to judge the whole country.

Proper Social Housing is better priced but the problem is that there is some kind of condition that was brought in some time ago where the rents are raised and they look at private properties in the area as guide as to what they should charge. Far better if they could put pressure on others to bring rents down.

Isn't life wonderful!


Anonymous VQ said...

Just a suggestion, Gildy.
How about making a list of things to do. E.g. 1) Talk to Mum's doctor to get his opinion on what you should do about her treatment.
2) Have a chat to someone at the Council to see if they can put your mind at rest with regard to whether or not you'll be allowed to stay on.
Plus getting advice on any other worries that you have.

You don't have to rush around and get these things done all at once but, as you do, you can cross them off. You'll have dealt with it and may not have to worry any more.
Worry is a killer.

It's so easy for me to sit here and tell you what you should be doing but I, and probably others, wish we could help you but know that we can't.

All good Easter wishes winging their way north to you and to your mum.

6 April 2012 at 19:18  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

You talk much sense VQ, I send you a virtual hug...

It wasn't such a good day today...Mum was very sleepy and had spent the day in bed again.

But they did not seem overly concerned and she was not in pain, she'd had no pain killers since this morning.

They only gave her some chicken soup for her tea but I did manage to bring her calories intake up by the time I left the home.

Unfortunately, I couldn't get much of a response when I left, I hope that was just that she was very sleepy and she's ok. Tomorrow is another day!

6 April 2012 at 22:53  

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