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Wednesday, April 04, 2012

By It's Cold In Here...

Its warmer in Mum's Nursing home!

I'm frightened to put the heating on especially if anything happens to Mum soon and with my money dropping so much.

We're weren't "well off" but with Mum's money and mine combined we always made certain we ate well and kept the place warm.

I just got my monthly payment of benefits yesterday and the gas bill arrived today covering the period of winter and when Mum was here and I had to find £507.90 almost wiping out what I was given(and when I pay my rent for the next 4 weeks)that's the rest of it, gone! I say rent...I should say water rates.

Luckily, not knowing what was to happen to Mum I'd put £500 onto my credit card so I was in credit by £595 so this time I was able to use that to pay the gas bill.

I guess the next bill will be the electric(but we're in credit by £200 some how)so that will be not so high this quarter and the phone bill which I hope will not be too bad as I haven't really been using it.

My life tends to be getting up, get ready for visiting Mum. When I get home going straight to bed.

Update:Just had a phone call, some good news(We need it!)my blood tests were fine so hopefully I'm OK until the next check up!


Anonymous VQ said...

Great news about the blood tests.

I know what you mean about the bills. I'm dreading the gas bill!
I'm wearing a fleece indoors all the time.

4 April 2012 at 15:14  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I'm so late today...wonder if they'll give Mum my egg when I arrive?

Been paying bills today and that held me up(also trying to save using the taxi's to do my shopping and I'm so slow when walking...but £6 saved came off the shopping(still spent too much!)How will spend less in the future when my income drops?)I know that I will of choice.

I used to have auntie of 98 who used to wear a heavy coat and a wollen hat and kept using a hot water bottle...

Mum's back in her room, I missed her sitting up...however someone put a show on today and she sat through that(because she was forced to or wanted I don't know yet but will when I get there)

4 April 2012 at 16:57  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Mind having said that, fancy being denied basic heat and possibly electric in a supposedly modern country.

What's the point of saying a property has Central Heating when you can't use it!

It was actually cheaper when we were able to use an open fire and a boiler that burned coke.

5 April 2012 at 02:40  

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