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Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Well That Was A Surprise...

I went into the home around 3.30pm and was about to go into the lift with my carriers of stuff and looked towards the main lounge and thought..."Is that Mum?" I did a double take and was.

Seemingly she had had some lunch and I don't know how long she had been in the lounge but she was there until almost 6pm. Before Mum went back to her room.
Now the reason I had to look twice was...this morning they had washed, cut and styled Mum's hair. A little short but everyone said it suited her.

I fed Mum her evening meal and she had poached egg with wholemeal toast, followed by sponge cake and two beakers of coffee and one of tea and that was followed later in her own room with a Complan. So I reckon that is around 1000+ calories. And they thought Mum looked brighter today.

But there is a little twist, having had my bloods taken earlier in the day, our market was on in town(it gets smaller each week it seems)I don't usually get to it myself. However there was an egg stall and I wished I'd purchased more now but he was selling double yolk eggs for £1.45 a half dozen.

Well, I can spend much more than that in the supermarket for a one yolk egg. So I took one in for Mum's tea and they cooked it and it was lovely. And its the yolk that has the goodness.

I plan to buy more next week but you watch he'll probably not turn up. From my point of view I usually crack two or three eggs when I make scrambled egg...with a double yolk, I don't need do that and half a dozen is like having a dozen! Mum says she'll have another tomorrow.

The weather is atrocious, there is a swirling wind and ice forming on the ground and windowsills and sleet and snow blowing around everywhere. If that freezes it will be fun going into the home tomorrow...


Anonymous VQ said...

That's fantastic news. Your mum is sounding so much better.
Now, I feel that I have to have a stern word with you, Gildy.
You brought the subject up yourself yesterday but I had been thinking, for several days, that you are not eating properly. A snatched sandwich here, a sausage roll there. It's not good enough. You need some fresh fruit and vegetables too.
It's no good running yourself ragged to look after your mum if you go downhill because you're neglecting yourself.
Sorry to sound like a bully but somebody has to look out for you.
Even if it's a case of getting some tomato and lettuce into your sandwich, that would help.
I know you're trying to think of everything at once but, actually, you are the most important person in the present scenario so take care of Anthony!

4 April 2012 at 02:53  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Thanks VQ,
My comment disappeared...I'll try again...

Most of my sandwiches are in a wholemeal bun and have tomato, spring onion, lettuce, ham or some similar filling...and I usually have some fruit with me a banana or a container of fruit salad etc...

I also eat some of the soup I put up for Mum but last night I forgot about it and wasted a full can of Chicken soup I had in a flask.

I've been a bit neglectful on the vegetables but I haven't been sitting down to a hot meal as such...

4 April 2012 at 13:58  
Anonymous VQ said...

Okay. I'll let you off then.
But I'm keeping a beady eye on you!

4 April 2012 at 15:12  

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