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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Within Two Hours I Go To The Hospital...

and hope all is well.

I've been out and tried to buy a food flask to take some food in(So its not the same pureed dinner day after day)

The one I chose they found the glass liner was broken when I reached the check out and they none in the stockroom.

So I had to buy one in the supermarket(Steel)and more expensive.

I'm going to see if I can make some scrambled egg with some grated cheese melted into it. I can try.

I'm also making more Complan and I have bought some baby food with some nice flavours that can be given hot or cold...

So I'm away to clean out the flasks from yesterday and fill them up again...


Anonymous VQ said...

Me too.
I keep logging on to find out if you're back yet.
Not that there's anything I can do to help you but I've been in a similar position and know what you're going through.
It's an awful time but it DOES pass and the day will come when you'll be able to smile at things you did together. I promise you.

18 March 2012 at 20:51  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Am sitting here and wondering what is happening for you both there at the hospital?

This is my email if you want to write to me any time.
C x

18 March 2012 at 22:25  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

You'll realise that the post above this was actually written and posted before VQ's but I wanted to protect my friend by not having her e-mail address available to all to see.

I hope that I wasn't too late in that respect...

and she is not anon of course but
Thank you

Anthony xx

18 March 2012 at 22:29  

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