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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Mum Rallied A Bit...

Could be false hope, these things happen...

Mum was brighter...but did sleep too.

Mum had some porridge this morning and I later found out she had eaten some lunch and a yogurt.

I managed to get a very small amount of the evening meal into her...some kind of mashed potato and a kind of puree. I managed to get two more yogurts into Mum and a Complan, coffee, some water and a full bottle of Ribina fruit drink. Quite a lot of liquid really.

She was able to talk quite a lot of the time and told me I am "A wonderful son!" and again how much she loves me. It hurts when she asks "Will I get better?" "Why did Get this?" "I am frightened"

She has times where I think the pain is controlled but not always sadly and she says she has not known pain like it. "I did not know cancer was like this..."

I gave her a Mother's Day card which she liked. Thankfully, I was able to have her see it. And it is by her bedside.

I think they will still move Mum into a side room but for now as there are no spare ones she is still on a main ward.

She asked me why she is being put into a side room, I had to say just so she gets some peace and quiet. She seemed to accept that.

So if I hear nothing overnight I'll be there again tomorrow.


Blogger crl2amb said...

In tears here.....brings back so many memories is awful to see someone you love suffer so.


18 March 2012 at 16:51  

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