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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

My Life Will Change Forever...

It's bad enough that at some point I know I will lose Mum(probably sooner than later)but as I received my regular statement from my Housing Association showing how upto date I am paying the rent on my home(which I have been in for approx 53 years)and have had my name on the rent card for almost 30 years...

In the same envelope in big bold type was a worrying letter which basically stitches me up and means that even though neighbours and my Social Worker and other council officials told me I'd be safe and could stay put.

I doubt it. Many of us around the country will be affected so I am not alone but that doesn't make it any easier...

I quote...

Are you receiving any benefits?

Yes? Then read on...Welfare Reform May affect your household.(I'd say it will affect everyone)

The Government is planning major reforms to the welfare benefit system, including changes to housing benefit, job seekers allowance, income support, employment and support allowance, working tax credit and child tax credit over the next few years.

These changes may affect you. We outline below the changes that may affect you:(stop saying may they will!)

Who will it affect?

All housing benefit claimants will be affected where either the claimant or their partner are under state pension credit age. By 2013 the pension credit age will be 61 for both men and women, and will rise to 66 by 2020.

Are you of working age?

Working age tenanats will be charged aroiund £13 for each bedroom that is not used or needed. You wish to consider moving into a smaller property, please ring us to discuss your housing options.

There will be a new of paying you all your benefits.

From October 2013, housing benefit will be paid directly to you not your landlord. It will also be called Universal Credit and will combine other benefits such as Housing Benefit, Job Seekers Allowance, and Working Tax Credit(If you are entitled to them)This means that you will be required to pay the full amount of your rent to your landlord.

Do you have a bank account?

You will need a bank account for your Universal Credit payment. This will help with budgeting and direct debits to pay your rent.

Are you on Disability Living Allowance?

Disability Living Allowance will beeplaced with Personal Independence Payment - this will result in tighter rules and many claimants will see a drop in income.

Do you pay Council Tax?

Council Tax Benefit is to be reduced by 10%, again reducing the money in your pocket.

Do you have adults aged 18+ years living with you?

If you live with other adults who are over 18, deductions will be made from your housing benefit. The amount of this deduction will depend on the person's earnings.

Then they give two phone numbers to call(the housing association)and the welfare department of the council.

I guess my income will drop drastically whatever happens and my days in this house and location are numbered.

Heaven knows where I'll be relocated. Again, not much to look forward to. Even if I am in a bedsit/one bedroom flat my income will be so low.

Mum says I'll be ok and taken care of, she just said that out of the blue the other day but its a good job she doesn't realise how difficult life is going to be for me in the future. No, that's unfair Mum's life is difficult being seriously ill and facing death. Last night as I had to leave her in the Nursing Home she begged me to stay(I can't)and said she was that tugged at my heartstrings.

I hope that I am strong but I am scared.


Anonymous VQ said...

I wonder if Mum knows something that you don't. She hasn't got a nest-egg hidden away in the wardrobe, has she? (Joke - although I know it's not funny!)

These days I find it difficult to make head or tail of official pronouncements. I am in a sort of similar situation: widowed but still have an adult son living at home.
He is epileptic and out of work so I get 25% off the Council tax at the moment. I am more fortunate than you in that I own my own home and it will go to this son after I die.
But we still have bills to pay and food to buy.

It's a worrying time, Gildy and as if you haven't enough to worry about at the moment.

28 March 2012 at 14:11  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I wish VQ, Mum has a small amount of savings which will be reduced still further after I pay for her funeral(How I hate to write that)and that might see me survive for a couple of year but of course I still will at some point have to relocate and once I come down to a certain level, I'd have to reapply for help and with the changes I don't know if I'll qualify.

And again if I don't, who will let me have a roof over my head with no income coming in?

I'm feeling quite ill about it all.

I better get ready and go and see Mum...

28 March 2012 at 14:24  
Anonymous VQ said...

Don't meet trouble half-way, Gildy. It will find you soon enough.
You need to find somebody who understands these things. A social worker of some kind or, maybe, the Citizens Advice Bureau.
Someone who can explain exactly what the changes will mean to someone in your particular circumstances.
Things may not be quite as bleak as you are imagining.

28 March 2012 at 15:22  

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