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Friday, March 23, 2012

It Took Five Minutes...

I noticed Mum's fingernails were dirty(they were in hospital and in the care home...)considering how they go on about such things it seemed wrong. I remembered to take something like a nile file in and took all that away.

Actually, I couldn't find the file and used a cocktail stick! But it worked. I know there are more important things in Mum's care but how long to see Mum has clean hands? Anyhow, during today's visit I put cream on Mum's arms and face too.

Mum said if her mouth improves she would eat and drink more so that's a good sign(in the meantime I/we have to get something into whilst we try to sort that out)

Mum is in restful pain free sleep even if that's been helped with meds. In the circumstances that is all I can ask.


Anonymous VQ said...

Yes, perhaps that is all we can hope for really.
I expect the home allowed you to stay for the first couple of nights just to settle your mum in.
I did think it was extraordinarily good of them at the time.
I'd never heard of it happening before.
Is anything being done about her mouth? Or is it a reaction from one of the drugs she's on?

24 March 2012 at 08:58  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I think at last that drug for her mouth is being given correctly and Mum is doing what she she is supposed and/could should've been done earlier.

In the hospital it was given on a really small spoon and it was virtually swallowed.

At the home the preperation seems to have been delivered with a kind of eye dropper and seems more runny and she doing as told swilling it around her mouth before swallowing.

24 March 2012 at 10:40  
Anonymous VQ said...

Ahh. Good. It sounds as if that's more likely to help.
It makes me mad to think that the hospital hadn't been looking after her as well as they should have.

24 March 2012 at 13:00  

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