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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Good Morning World!

I won't be doing it every night but I believe the early hours are the worst if you feel ill or afraid so I have spent just under 12 hours with Mum overnight in the home. And when I finally left Mum she was having a lovely peaceful sleep and therefore its a fair bet she was not in pain.

The staff were fine about my staying which was very kind of them and appreciated. Mum asked me to stay and I think that probably helped keep Mum calm. So I came out of the home to a cold and frosty morning and now all being well Mum will be resting soundly and I left the mp3 player quietly the music Mum loves.

And me, it's my turn to go to bed and get my sleep. It wasn't too bad, I was in a nice big armchair(but its still not the same as a bed!)

I hope today is another kind one for both of us...

See you later!


Anonymous VQ said...

That really was good of the Home.
It sounds like a good alternative for your mum.
Usually, rules are rules and they stick to them. How nice to be flexible when necessary.
Good to hear that mum is resting and peaceful. I think you're sounding a bit better too.
Good news.

22 March 2012 at 07:13  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Free care and being allowed to see Mum when I wish makes me realise even more that our time together is limited and there's no way back but where there's life there's hope.

I'll see that I am there earlier today.

22 March 2012 at 12:38  

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