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Monday, March 12, 2012

I Want To Die...

Its heartbreaking to hear those words but perhaps when your time arrives you do come to terms with the thought that your time is up and you want peace and no suffering. And then are we as relatives selfish because we don't want them to leave or can we let go and think it's what they want? Then again Mum was having a really restless night and just could not settle.

Other days she says she wants to live and will beat it.

Maybe, the restlessness could be associated with dementia or perhaps its because she's in pain and if that could be taken away, she'd improve. Pain debilitates. We'll discuss this with the Consultant on Wednesday.

As I have said before "They" say the cancer will probably remain localised and can be stabilised and she'll go of something else.

The dementia has not been called Alzheimer's(so unless somethings changed...)and our carer sees people worse than Mum and they are still in their own homes. People in pain are given Morphine tablets morning/night and are pain free for the day.

A mechanic who used to repair our car has Prostate Cancer but its being controlled.
It may be that Mum needs a blood transfusion(She did when first diagnosed in October)Carer thought Mum looked pale. A water infection can cause confusion so perhaps she needs anti-biotics. All this ties in.
Perhaps Mum needs a different pain killer or the dosage increasing...
We'll just have to see how the next few days go...Mum has improved/picked up since the carer went away.


Blogger crl2amb said...


Sometimes it is almost too painful to read your posts. Your Mum would probably feel so different if she was pain free. I really hope they can sort something out for her.

As always my very best wishes to you both.

I walked to and from work today and cleaned for six hours, so I think I have had my exercise!

My afternoon job is for a lovely gent of 87 years young. A lot of the time we discuss just what is going on in this crazy topsy turvey country.

My current retirement age is 66 - I just missed out on being able to retire at 60. Such a drag, as there are so many things I would prefer to be doing!! Mind you, I do really like the people I work for and would miss the contact. I would ideally like to work for three days a week anyway.

Take care,
Carol :)

12 March 2012 at 18:42  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I think you've had your exercise too.

That sounds a lovely job with the elderly gentleman.

I'm not trying to avoid working but I know the struggle it will be. What I can do will be limited.

So I never have any intention of doing more than what would be considered part time and it will have to be close to home. 2-3 days sounds about right.

With the changes I wonder where that home will be.

Don't be surprised if the retirement age extended over coming years.

It can be painful writing some things down but you feel some release in doing so. I sometimes think when its written down other ideas come to you or you perhaps see things differently.

And it means I can across so serious when I am usually see the funny and lighter side of life but it does become harder.

I agree if we can remove the pain I think Mum will be as different again. I'd be happy with that even if it means she is more sleepy and rested.

12 March 2012 at 19:54  

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