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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Mum Had A Fall Through The Night...

I knew she wasn't hurt as such but the position she was in made it difficult to lift her.  Eventually, I did manage to get Mum into a position where I could lift her quite easily. The problem is that Mum tends to do the opposite of what you want. Not deliberate it just happens.

Last night I wanted to roll her over and she kept putting her hand against the wall or if I managed to free that hand she'd bring her leg into a similar position. So I could not roll her over.

Once I managed to stop that happening, I had her sorted in minutes and lifted her onto the bed.

She's slept like a top since.

A District Nurse called today and said she is still in good condition skin wise. She looked over various marks the fall had caused and said just keep an eye on them.

She thought Mum possibly was pale but as she had not seen Mum before suggested that we press for blood tests tomorrow at the hospital in case she is anaemic again. And she was using the report the carer had written.
The tumour is intact. The surrounding skin is fine. I'm no medical expert but even I think that myself.
Mum has had a sore mouth, the Nurse looked and said that she might have thrush(Is this too much information? Am I betraying Mum's privacy?)she has ordered a prescription that hopefully will help and  give a reason why maybe Mum has been off her food or had difficulty eating and if we can solve that perhaps we can get the weight on again? Mum will has to swill it around her mouth as long as possible and then swallow it. It will work anywhere else in her body that's affected by the same condition.
Of course I still wonder how tomorrow will go at the hospital with the consultant and whether he has any nasty surprises and/or whether he'll offer further Radio Therapy.

Its still palliative care unfortunately. If younger and stronger I have a feeling they'd have killed it with a combination of chemo and Radio Therapy. Even an operation. But you can only take the treatment offered.


Blogger crl2amb said...


So sorry to hear about your Mum's fall and also how difficult things are for you.

I am sure your Mum would understand that you need to get these things off your chest and anyway it is pretty anonymous on the net really.

How do you get to the hospital?

Hope it goes ok tomorrow. I will be thinking of you both.

Anthony you really do put my life into perspective with your posts.

Keep up the good work.

Carol :)

13 March 2012 at 19:52  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

All being well we'll go by taxi. Mum will use a wheelchair at the hospital.

I'm dreading getting her down the stairs. I may have to conceed that we should finally invest in renting a stairlift.

Mum will use a wheelchair at the hospital.

She's quite imobile now and needs a zimmer frame upstairs and we'll probably have to get a wheelchair to get Mum out when the weather improves.

Whether it can be done and would take a long time, Mum talks of doing exercises and trying to build up the strength in her legs again...

Thanks for your good thoughts

Anthony x

14 March 2012 at 09:22  
Anonymous VQ said...

I hope all went as well as can be expected at the hospital today and that there were no 'nasty surprises'.
I expect it will all be quite tiring for both of you.

I hope, too, that the thrush treatment works. Your mum may pick up a little if she can begin to enjoy her food again.

Chin up, Gildy.

14 March 2012 at 10:51  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry your Mother's having trouble getting down the stairs, that must be very recent, because I think I remember you saying she came down regularly to watch TV .

Perhaps it would be a good idea to go by ambulance for her next appt, because they have special chairs for lifting patients up & down the stairs.

14 March 2012 at 13:58  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Anon see the latest post, things have changed quite a lot.

14 March 2012 at 22:26  

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