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Thursday, March 15, 2012

I'm Running Late...

Mum will be wondering where I am but I had things to do...

I hoped to take a flask of chicken soup in for her this afternoon but I can't find the stopper but I have a selection of fruit, bottled water(plain/flavoured)yogurts etc...

I'm going to try and make a couple of quick sandwiches for myself as I will probably be there until 8pm...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember when my Dad had a bag fitted, bypassing all his own plumbing so to speak, as the pipe came directly out of the kidney.
It got unreliable to a point that it would randonmly leak (usually slap bang in the middle of the night).My first encounter with the dressing was very scary as I did not know what the blazes I would find underneath, would it bleed ? would the kidney fall out?- that type of thing- but I had do something for the poor soul.
Anyway managed to patch it with plumbing materials and sterilised it with Maplins cleaning alcohol. I said to Dad to mention it to the nurse who visited every week to change the dressing. Her reply was "go to A&E".I realised then that robotically changing the dressing (which I could now do myself)was about all she was fit for as she could not see a man that was weak and could hardly walk in front of her.
Anyway via Macmillian I managed to get him a hospital appointment, they agreed that the shaft into the Kidneys needed to be replaced- but 'the bed manager????' said there were no beds- just then a nurse he knew from a previous stay passed by and said " there is bed in my ward, of course he can have it" So luckily Dad's final weeks were made a bit more comfortable.

15 March 2012 at 21:57  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

If they do the colostomy(Stoma)for Mum, they were talking about redirecting some of Mum's bowel?

I'm sure after all I have done, like you I'll learn and cope with this if it come to pass.

I can also tell how caring you are so I feel it for you too.

I'll continue the latest news in a new post.

15 March 2012 at 22:16  

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