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Monday, March 19, 2012

I Guess That I Have Come To A Full Stop...

and not sure what more I can write unless know.

I'll start to pull myself around soon for the start of another long day but I'd do it forever and that's not a complaint. I hate her being on her own for 18 hours. What's anyone going to do if they are laid in bed and are being left alone apart from being given an odd drink or attempt to eat?(and a clean up here and there)

Does that speed things up? I don't know.

I better go...


Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Had to do some phoning around various places, cancelling visits from District Nurse, Inform the Social Worker...

If Mum was not so weak a care home would be better if it was nearer and on the town but if Mum cannot take the ambulance ride, I suppose its best to stay where she is...

The social worker says she'll visit Mum today and talk to the staff...

I better go...

19 March 2012 at 10:04  
Anonymous VQ said...

We're all with you in spirit, Gildy.
What more can anyone say?

19 March 2012 at 13:24  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I have few if anyone to phone but had to buy a new mobile today(the other keeps reverting back to emegency calls only and I have switch it on and off to get it to work again.

Bought a basic model for approx £15and I can stay on the same network if I take the sim card out. Pay as you go...

Did I say one of the radiators is leaking again?

Just about ready to go, running late.

This time I'm taking boiled milk and making the coffee and complan when there that way I don't waste anything un-necessarily and it will be fresher.

Taking some yogurts and baby food again...

The hospital Mum's hasn't a good reputation, Mum never liked it and the taxi driver today said similar, he doesn't like the idea of Mum being in a side room, he said his "Nan" gave up when she was on her own in a room and only seen now and then by the nurses.

What do you do?

Bye for now...

19 March 2012 at 14:06  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You could go and have a chat with the Marie Curie or Macmillin nurses(they usally have an noffice in each hospital. They are independent
of the hospital. They canhelp you with regards to your Mum's wishes as well as practical advice for yourself.

19 March 2012 at 21:28  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Nice idea Anon and with Mum perhaps going into home they might be able to advise about that too.

See the latest blog posting...

19 March 2012 at 23:22  

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