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Monday, March 19, 2012

Is This Good?

I went into see Mum today and she was much, much brighter and alert. Still in pain(Off and On)but much improved. The same lady who took me to see the Dr(and then gave the dreaded news on Friday)said they were surprised by the turnaround.

So unless things change there is talk of Mum coming back to a care home of some kind which will give 24/7 care on my town(and I'll have more time with her and being nearer I can get there quicker and easier)and roughly 4 taxi rides for what I pay one way to go to the Hospital. I'll have to rest but who knows I may find that I can walk one way if I give myself enough time, knowing that I can rest when I get there.

I don't mind being there for hours and I can leave the PC's recording things and sort the files when I come home.

I assume Mum will lose her State pension and be given pocket money but they have put some kind of document through and Mum will not pay for the care(so her meagre savings will be left alone)

I don't think there is much Mum will want so if she doesn't spend it, it will help towards my fares(or maybe we can save some of it)but it could be a short stay :-(

Of course the income coming into "Our" home will be reduced but that's not a bad option. I was paying £100+ per month for 10 hours a month here so if the care was happening here and was increased it would be expensive. And it is 24/7 care there.

I don't think its likely but they said should Mum become stronger and continue to improve(she may get home again)I think they just say that but you don't know. This is a good compromise(I know that Mum would prefer to be here but its not hospital)

I think Mum is still quite bad with the cancer but they probably need the hospital bed and she said lets see what Mum is like in a few whether that is a way of saying she hasn't long(in code)I am unsure. However, its better than days and she did admit bowel cancer is very slow. So I have to look at the positives.

But lets walk and not run...

I'll have to see what routine the care home follows and if I can see her when we wish or whether they'll try and have Mum settled in bed at 8pm(It's one thing if Mum wants to sleep at that time but to be forced)Mum often says don't go and she's happy for me just to be there holding her hand and not talking and she will sleep more restfully knowing that I am there.

I won't want to get in the way of cleaners and other people who do jobs around the home.

I'll put a radio in her room(That should be allowed)the mp3 player too but this time look for a docking station if things look good so I don't have to keep charging the battery. Mum likes it on 24/7. I don't know what kind of meals will be offered and if they'll object to me bringing in soup, complan and other things.

The home has a better reputation than some too. I'll be learning too but it has to be better than being in hospital. Well, I hope that it is.

However, for now more positives than negatives...

Mum ate and drank more today too...but she was sleepy in the last hour so...well, she is elderly and very ill so I can allow for that. We still haven't quite controlled the pain.

I ended up eating the chicken and mushroom soup I took through as I was writing this(2 tins)I'll still watch the pennies though...

Typically, the mobile phone I have has been playing up everywhere so I buy a new one and set it up and the old seems to be working least I can use either and transferring the Sim card means I am on the same network and if I take both should the battery get low I can switch to the other one. Its very basic, no camera, no radio or music and pay as you go. I only really use to get taxi's if I am out so its OK, it does what it should.

I'm waffling...I'll stop!

Anyhow, lets accept things are different to a few days ago...So I go to bed happier...


Anonymous Nicodemus said...

It's great to hear some good news! And unexpected, to be honest. This should help you get a good sleep tonight, and to relax a bit after all the stress.

Did your Mum have the transfusion? I don't remember your mentioning it...

20 March 2012 at 00:03  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Yes, she did Nicodemus...and it worked wonders before(Back in October when first diagnosed)and perhaps it is doing so again...the last time you saw the improvement over a week or so...perhaps they were too quick to say what they did!

I hope so...

20 March 2012 at 00:37  
Anonymous Nicodemus said...

Yes, I hope so too. I think that where old people are concerned they have to prepare relatives for the worst, rather than getting their hopes up. Then if they're wrong it's a nice surprise.

Sleep well.

20 March 2012 at 01:22  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Look at me...I'm happier and rested and there I am getting up again...

Someone gave me a link to check the Governments inspection grades for the home(which does have a good reputation)and it has been given high marks in every category.

It has 31 residents and offers...

Convalescent Care • Physiotherapy • Independent Living Training • Sheltered Housing • Own GP if required • Own Furniture if required • Smoking not permitted • Close to Local shops • Near Public Transport • Minibus or other transport • Lift • Wheelchair access • Gardens for residents • Phone Point in own room/Mobile • Television point in own room

It is a Private Christian Nursing Home, it is approx 3 streets from where a friend of Mum's lives...I had no idea.

20 March 2012 at 01:40  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Again, I can emphesise with others, like the other day, as I waited for a taxi to come home last night a young girl was outside sobbing her heart out so one can only wonder what bad news she has been told...sadly it's happening all the time.

20 March 2012 at 05:36  
Anonymous VQ said...

Well, that's a turn up for the books, Gildy. What good news!!

20 March 2012 at 08:53  
Blogger crl2amb said...

Hope it goes well today Anthony.

Carol :)

20 March 2012 at 10:18  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

It still could be a short stay and it cannot be much fun being laid in bed all the time(us knowing it will continue to grow)Is that a life?

But it is are still here I suppose.

When we decide to lay down, we know we can still get up and do things but hour after hour?

But must stay positive...

Its those "If's" older people do manage to rid themselves of cancer without chemo and you wonder when it reduced to the size of a pea after RT, if it had been done then...

Now should Mum get stronger, if they did what was suggested(colostomy)"that" is still getting larger.

It's difficult!

20 March 2012 at 11:04  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

The home is probably a substitute for that side room they don't have available at the hospital(and perhaps they did not want to say that)so they are trying to present it in positive way.

I know when someone is termally ill with cancer certain types financial are fast tracked and that's probably why she was able to put that free care package through.

I'm becoming negative though aren't I?

20 March 2012 at 11:15  
Anonymous VQ said...

Your mind is racing, Gildy.
Remember. One day at a time!

20 March 2012 at 11:35  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Yes I am VQ. I mustn't! Even in this home with a great reputation Mum will be alone a lot of the time and Mum may be lonely.

If things stay as they are for the time she is there(even if only for a short stay)and I am able to see her, if they change my situation(thanks to changes with benefits and entitlement)it will be worse if I cannot go to see her as much or only for a few hours in the evening but that hasn't happened yet, if the stay is short it probably won't and lets take each day as it comes.

Easy for me to say...

20 March 2012 at 13:16  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Somewhere your information about being able to claim back fares to see a relative in hospital has been removed or I cannot find it. But thank VQ for telling me.

It might be too late now but you never know and maybe it might work when I see Mum in the home?

Its always good to know anything like this which often is not very well known.

20 March 2012 at 13:21  
Anonymous VQ said...

I have left a private message for you on the LBC website which we both use.
Hope it helps.

20 March 2012 at 14:52  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Thanks VQ...I will look...Virtual hug coming your way.

20 March 2012 at 15:21  

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