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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Another Day At The Home...

Mum had been in her chair in her room for a short time and they had managed to get Mum into the downstairs lounge.

But when I went in she seemed not so good, however within a few minutes of my arrival, she was brighter. She managed some cream of tomato soup, some kind of whip soaked in cream(High in calories)and I managed to get some cream of chicken and mushroom soup and coffee with whole milk, sugar and a nip of brandy.

I reckon that's approx 800 calories. But they gave Mum her tablets earlier than I do so she was virtually asleep by 8pm. At least she wasn't frightened tonight and they were happy to see that she'd eaten or at least had some nourishment.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a good day(I've just been into the supermarket to try and get Mum some things I hope will do her some good)She said she's going to try my scrambled eggs with melted cheese, whole milk and butter again. Hopefully a good sign...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

from experiencce (if its any help)that if the werst happens, the first thing you will feel is a guilty sense of releef followed by lots of sleep (if you have been a carer), next there will be a lot of bustle,talking with strangers and family as you make arrangements and they collect equipment ect, they will say lots of cumforting things...but a few weeks later (and this is the hard part)this will all dissapeare and you will be left alone and cant tell you the pain you might feel, as you contemplait the things she shared together with you and then think about what is left of your own life and the threat of poverty, illness and ending up yourself at the mercy of the heath sistem.
BUT the reason i wrote this was not to leave you in misery, but to say there is light at the end of the tunnel, these feelings do pass and you learn to live every day, rather than thinking of the distant past or future which of course does not exist, small little battles like fixing the tap washer or feeding a stray cat start to be come enjoyable little victurys - well thats my expeerince anyway and the wonder of life is that we are all diffirent, so good luck as things may just fall into place for you and you get good news.

29 March 2012 at 15:25  
Anonymous VQ said...

I can confirm that, eventually, we muddle our way through the bad times.
Of course we are upset for while. It would be very odd if we were not.
But, depending on the illness, it's sometimes a relief that our loved one is no longer in pain and is no longer frightened. At last they are at peace.
However, in this particular case, we are not at that stage. 'Mum' is still taking notice and trying to take some sustenance. On a fine day, she may even go outside for a while.

29 March 2012 at 15:36  

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