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Monday, February 27, 2012

What's The Story?

I purchased some CD's from the local charity shops at the weekend and found quite a few that were of interest(more than usual)the choice is limited on a town of our size.

At the back of one with vocalist Jeri Southern was a post it note that said something like the following...

"I hope you'll think of me when you play this CD, love Pam"

Who is Pam? Who was the CD purchased for? Are they still together? Did she hope something would come of it? Just for a split second you are part of their world.

A mystery that will remain just that...

Equally it would be a nice gesture if Pam had placed that note in the CD case for anyone who purchased the CD from the charity shop.

Speaking of which Jeri Southern's music is in many cases being sold at present for silly amounts. Some are only available as imports from countries such as Japan and they cost £50 for a single CD.

As for the one I found...I paid around £ Amazon a new copy of the same title is being sold at £28. My copy is in perfect condition.


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