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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A Day For Doing As Little As Possible...

It is really dull outside. Wet and windy so I'm not going anywhere. Once the carer has gone, we will take it easy and all I will think of is seeing Mum gets fed and lots of drinks.

We're already up to 1,000 calories!

That's the plan but you never know if there will be a knock at the door and a visit from the District Nurse so you are not totally relaxed. I might've fancied an afternoon nap.

I like a day when I can think about very little...perhaps about what I may like to eat or just listen to some music or try and catch up on clearing the hard drive on here. Looking after Mum, it has got out of hand and I have over 3TB's worth of files to edit and burn.

I actually wonder if I'll ever succeed. But soon I will have no space on any drive.


Blogger Span Ows said...

People building extensions on their house have the same problem... space on the drive.

25 February 2012 at 08:28  
Anonymous VQ said...

I wouldn't know where to look for my drive. (The computing one, that is.

25 February 2012 at 11:56  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Span :-)

VQ, It is quite handy having an external drive in case the main one crashes or a memory stick to store important data you'd hate to lose.

It doesn't have to be a large one nor very expensive. Equally to speed things up its quite handy having a mouse than having to use the little square pad area on most laptops.

I'm catching up slowly and it may be nearer 2 TB's rather than three(That's still a lot!)

26 February 2012 at 11:36  

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