We're Fortunate To Have A Health Service...
But for some time we have been buying certain medical items out of our own pocket and its been expensive. Then through our District Nurses we were told that these should be supplied on prescription for free.
Yet, though this has helped and we are only allowed so many, if you use more than they allow, you are not allowed any more until the next delivery date comes around so we still buy our own between times. We have another delivery on March 2nd(Hoorah!)but I'll have spent at least £200 buying something similar in the shops.
The District Nurse promised a new jar of some barrier cream over a week ago and after scraping every last dreg out of the jar and making it last weeks and weeks, we're still waiting. If it comes and we have it for free via a prescription...fine but I got tired of waiting and bought some myself, Mum needs it and I will not let her do without.
I don't know what I have done but my right shoulder is playing up and suddenly without warning I can get a pain that stops me doing what I am trying to do. I don't know if its arthritis, frozen shoulder or bursitis(inflammation of a bursa, especially one in the shoulder joint)
I think that is the most likely reason. You feel such a softie when you think of what others suffer from, not least Mum.
Otherwise, whilst we've done nothing really special its not been a bad birthday for Mum and we've mainly relaxed, if you can include waiting for the usual visit from the District Nurse which never happened. They don't say when they are coming but usually its a Tuesday so you prepare yourself and then I had to go out and face the weekly shop.
I purchased more flowers to replace those I purchased last week and they were better value, a bigger spray for the same price but I was restricted on the colours available(there was only two sprays for sale)I don't know what colour I'd call them but they have a kind of red border and the flower heads are larger.
And for the first time ever Mum received a Birthday card from a nephew so that was a nice gesture.
Update:I'm trying to rest the shoulder but its a bit more difficult this time around as I am caring for Mum rather than just myself. Took some painkillers through the night(not really sure they helped)and maybe if it is an inflammation problem, the steroids I take for other reasons may be of more help. The trouble is I think I have some of the same problem in the other shoulder.
I won't be going on about it though and I will just try and give it a few days to improve. Indoors I can avoid using my cane and hold onto items around the house for support so that should help.
The link takes you to a great online dictonary site.
Yet, though this has helped and we are only allowed so many, if you use more than they allow, you are not allowed any more until the next delivery date comes around so we still buy our own between times. We have another delivery on March 2nd(Hoorah!)but I'll have spent at least £200 buying something similar in the shops.
The District Nurse promised a new jar of some barrier cream over a week ago and after scraping every last dreg out of the jar and making it last weeks and weeks, we're still waiting. If it comes and we have it for free via a prescription...fine but I got tired of waiting and bought some myself, Mum needs it and I will not let her do without.
I don't know what I have done but my right shoulder is playing up and suddenly without warning I can get a pain that stops me doing what I am trying to do. I don't know if its arthritis, frozen shoulder or bursitis(inflammation of a bursa, especially one in the shoulder joint)
I think that is the most likely reason. You feel such a softie when you think of what others suffer from, not least Mum.
Otherwise, whilst we've done nothing really special its not been a bad birthday for Mum and we've mainly relaxed, if you can include waiting for the usual visit from the District Nurse which never happened. They don't say when they are coming but usually its a Tuesday so you prepare yourself and then I had to go out and face the weekly shop.
I purchased more flowers to replace those I purchased last week and they were better value, a bigger spray for the same price but I was restricted on the colours available(there was only two sprays for sale)I don't know what colour I'd call them but they have a kind of red border and the flower heads are larger.
And for the first time ever Mum received a Birthday card from a nephew so that was a nice gesture.
Update:I'm trying to rest the shoulder but its a bit more difficult this time around as I am caring for Mum rather than just myself. Took some painkillers through the night(not really sure they helped)and maybe if it is an inflammation problem, the steroids I take for other reasons may be of more help. The trouble is I think I have some of the same problem in the other shoulder.
I won't be going on about it though and I will just try and give it a few days to improve. Indoors I can avoid using my cane and hold onto items around the house for support so that should help.
The link takes you to a great online dictonary site.
Happy Birthday to your Mum! And from a fellow sufferer of bursitis, I hope you feel better soon!
Hi Gildy,
Happy Birthday to Mum of Gildersleeve.
Also sorry to hear about your shoulder.
If it Eis frozen you need to get it checked asap. They can give you a sterioid injection which really stops it progressing.
Touch wood, after my injection, no pain again. It was agony.
Hope you had a good day.
Thanks Jan,
I got what I thought was Bursitis some years ago and they suggested using a walking cane might have aggrevated matters.
Perhaps it has again...I tried using it a few minutes ago and simply could not.
Its a strange one isn't it. You reach for something or do a movement and it hurts like hell and can continue for sometime after you stop and then another time all seems well.
Thanks for the Birthday wishes...Mum may not know much about the internet but I do tell her and she does respond, I mentioned Virgin Queen last night and she was appreciative.
Carol, I will watch out and see if it could be frozen shoulder Mum got that for a time some years ago.
It really restricts what you are able to do and sometimes when they say "Rest" that's easier siad than done.
From what you said before most of your jobs are physical so probably are the cause in the first place.
I will pass on your greetings too.
I have to be careful not to sound as though I am after sympathy or a typical man! :-)
I did something a few times in the last half hour of Mum's Birthday and I cannot believe that I/we forgot to...
Sing "Happy Birthday!"
I usually do so a couple of times during the the 24 hours...usually as the day begins(Midnight)and as it ends around the same time.
I'm glad the tradition was not missed even if it was later than usual.
Someone in the local supermarket who kind of knows me but hasn't seen me for a while was sorry to hear of Mum and said(and I did not take offence)but I guess if not careful the management might not like it...
She said "I'll say a prayer for your Mum. I'm not terribly religious and don't go to church but I do believe that there is a God and I do pray."
I had quite a lot of support from various members of staff and though I don't usually go around telling all my personal business some have learned of what has happened and they are genuinely concerned, you can tell its not a case of being curious.
I know when I was seriously ill Mum was asked everywhere she went about how I was by people you would never have thought would or be bothered.
Sometimes you don't realise(it sounds big headed)how popular you are or why. I can only assume its because how I treat them as I go about my daily business.
By the way(I hope I am wrong)but putting my cynical hat on I have a feeling that the District Nurse will visit tomorrow around the same time as the carer(to check she is doing her job...)she is.
But so far the DN comes on a Tuesday one of the days the carer doesn't. I know how "Their" minds work.
We've already had a quality assesment from the care company last week in which we gave a glowing report, not sure what more they want.
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