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Friday, February 17, 2012

Birthday Card...

As I purchased Mum's Birthday card for next Tuesday once again it hit me how(hopefully)Mum will be here to have her special day and I guess I have always thought how fortunate I have been to have her in my life and been given another year to share that time with her. I have always felt the same at Christmas and New Year.

Today, though I did feel it more than ever as I chose Mum's card. For once I found myself drawn to one in particular, it seemed to say all that I wanted and this time had a few more words than I'd usually consider.

All being well I'll give her the card on Sunday(we usually like to have a few days before and after the day)it seems a pity just to have it on show just on the day...and Mum's favourite music programme on Sunday afternoons accepts text messages of greetings so the presenter is pretty good at choosing an appropriate piece of music so I'll get him to play a song for her birthday. And thanks to the computer etc...I can record it and burn it to CD.

Update:The DJ played Art Garfunkel's "I Only Have Eyes For You" so not a bad choice but Mum was dozing so managed to miss it...He mentioned her three times. Good job you can record things so she'll still hear it...


Blogger crl2amb said...

Hi Anthony, I tried to reply this morning but it is such a faff trying to work out those words they make you type.

1. I hope your Mum has a great birthday - you are so thoughtful and it is lovely to read about such strong family ties.

2. That song by Art Garfunkel is probably one of my all time favourites and can bring me to tears.

3. Typical that she was asleep and such a good job you can play it back to her.

Carol x

19 February 2012 at 18:26  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Thanks Carol...
Its all saved and been played :-)

It does seem incredibly popular that song so he did ok.

When Mum first took ill I had a song played(we didn't mention she was ill, we never have)and he played one called "You Mean The World To Me"

So he's quite good at choosing appropriate songs.

I know what you mean about the those words to get a comment on here...

Another site I use has two words and one is quite straight forward but the other is written in a strange script but it is a mixture of black and white letters written in a kind of strange box and I sometimes have to have several attempts to get it right.

19 February 2012 at 18:57  
Blogger Span Ows said...

Good that the tune got played! However the choice isn't that good IMHO! (OK, OK, she's sure to appreciate anything); considering all your efforts, how Rolling Stones: 'Mother's Little Helper!'? OK, drugs, totally inappropriate. Thinking about 'mother' sons:

Mama mia - Abba
Tie your mother down - Queen (!!)
Mama told me not to come - Three Dog Night
Some mothers son - The Kinks

...probably hundreds more!

My favourite by a long way: George Michael, Mother's Pride (not about bread! also inappropriate to your situation because it is about soldiers but incredibly moving)

20 February 2012 at 08:18  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Span :-)

The programme plays music of the 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's. It will play chart stuff but it is more older in its contents and melodic like Sinatra, Cole etc...

Mum will listen to so many types of music and is open to most suggestions.

I really should add more rock to my collection on here...but I'm getting there.

20 February 2012 at 14:27  
Anonymous VQ said...

I played the Art Garfunkel song on You Tube but only got half way though before I had to switch off.
My husband has been dead for more than 20 years now. He was only 55.
I thought I'd got over it. Apparently not.
Happy Birthday tomorrow, Mum!

20 February 2012 at 19:57  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Sorry about that VQ. Do we ever really get over the loss of a loved one?

That sounds similar to the age we lost my Father(He had only just reached his 60 Birthday)and had to take early retirement so hoped for some quality time with Mum.

He'd managed to buy his first new car for years approx the previous year.

I have wondered how I'll feel about listening to music we have enjoyed together too.

Especially, if its a favourite of Mum's. She likes most versions of "Can't help falling in love with you"

I know of at least three songs that Dad kind of had as special songs between them(mainly for the lyrics perhaps more than the tunes...)

The Seekers - "I'll Never Find Anoter You"

"My Cup Runneth Over With Love"

And in a love letter not long after meeting Mum he quoted the lyrics of "Time After Time"

20 February 2012 at 20:55  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Thanks for the good wishes too VQ.

She has managed to get three Birthday cards(Mine and from two friends)

But most friends/relatives are no longer here.

20 February 2012 at 20:56  

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