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Friday, February 17, 2012

They'll Probably Never Be Seen Again...

The day I went into our local supermarket at that early hour I found a new salad vegetable some Spring Onions but they were called Red Salad Onions(they looked purple to me)but they had a milder taste.

Whilst there today all I could see were the usual kind.

I'd like to think its because they've proved to be popular but I suspect the truth is that those that were in store the other day were there due to an error and they'll not be seen again.

I've lost track of how many items we have liked to find them removed. Two that come to mind is Lemon Sole and the simple tomato. Yes, they had for quite some time what I thought to be value for money a carton with decent sized tomatoes but I'd say medium in size and they were priced around £1.75-£2. Now we're back to a pack of six tomatoes costing £1.

It may be these items are still available in other branches. I have heard of cases where something as simple as Peas Pudding is more popular in the North but may not be available in the South. So perhaps you do get regional differences.


Blogger Span Ows said...

Same happened to me when I was in Spain. The supermarket changed owners (Basque chain bought Catalan chain) and bit by bit several of my "dead-cert" purchases vanished from the shelves, there were 'similar' replacements but never the same so I ended up driving further to get what I stubbornly refused to go without!

19 February 2012 at 07:33  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

That sounds about right Span,
I wouldn't mind but I did not see what I was buying as being particularly unusual and they did not have to store large amounts, in the case of Lemon Sole they never had the shelf stacked with it.

19 February 2012 at 10:10  

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