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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Its A Luxury...

And for years we did not bother much with cut flowers(well I don't remember doing so)

Then perhaps a year or two ago I started to buy a bunch for Mum regularly and put them in our lounge to brighten it up. They lasted approx 10-14 days so to me that seemed reasonable value.

If I was alone and my budget tighter I'd probably decide not too.

Anyhow, with Mum not going downstairs as much as she used to, I kind of decided not to buy them as often as who was going to see them(though I suppose you should carry on doing so anyhow)but having managed to find a vase of a suitable size and now after buying the spray of carnations and placing them in the bedroom(they're not causing a health hazard)and hey we can open a window and all our doors are open all the time...Mum is enjoying seeing them all the time and already everyone who has called to care for Mum have said how nice they are.

It also shows that you don't have to go for the biggest bouquets to bring pleasure.


Anonymous VQ said...

It's always nice to have a few cut flowers around. I find that supermarket carnations last for ages.

15 February 2012 at 20:45  
Blogger crl2amb said...

So how can they be a health hazard?

I can understand in hospitals but in your own home.

Who would ever have thought we would reach a time when you are being told having flowers could cause a health hazard?

I bought someone a book at Christmas. It was filled with pictures of people doing things which would be considered very dangerous these days.

For instance a line of little children sitting up on a high wall, a young girl holding a fox, and a horse drawn cart with about fifty people piled on top of it and sitting on a pile of suitcases!!

Very amusing. :)

15 February 2012 at 21:25  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I certainly agree that many things we have been stopped from doing these days is way over the top. That book is I assume very much tongue in cheek :)

And yes, flowers in the home as we have should be fine I'm sure but it would not surprise me if someone said otherwise.

I think the situation in hospitals of late probably have something to do with it.

I suspect carnations are a great idea and they are lovely and inexpensive.

So they may well be my choice from now on.

16 February 2012 at 02:10  
Blogger crl2amb said...

Yes the book was tongue in cheek.

"When I were a lad" - snapshots from a time that Health and Safety forgot.


17 February 2012 at 09:27  

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