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Sunday, February 26, 2012


A letter arrived a couple of days ago from our electricity supplier...telling us they believe(Estimate)we'll use over £1,000 of electric in the next 12 months. If I was alone I could not afford that and I suspect I would go cold or start to wear more warmer clothes and hide under the bedclothes.

What has probably increased our use of electric was the insistence that we should invest in a washing machine and tumble drier. If alone I'd probably do one wash per week or every couple of weeks. At present because of circumstances we use these appliances more often.

And the silly thing is that when you use the Gas central heating, you have to use electric to pump the water around the system. I'm sure I could cut back further on the gas.

And yet as has been said by many, no matter how many ways genuine people cut back, in theory cutting the bills, the suppliers keep increasing their prices so you still end up paying the increased prices even though you are cutting back.

The surprise though is that someone had to call(by law)to check our meter and we have had the meter read by a meter reader, we've also had estimated bills but I have always supplied an up to date accurate reading myself but after he called last Monday in this letter was the news that...

We are £204 in credit! So the next bill may or may not be paid for or have a decent amount already towards it. I still cannot see how this has happened but I'll not being complaining.

Looking at it another way as virtually everything is on electric here in reality maybe our electric usage would be higher and if we used gas more for cooking etc...electric would come down but instead its been transferred to the electric bill.
Its Sunday so I'm going to do a little tidying up, a bit of cleaning but still take it easy. May have a go at doing some kind of casserole or something similar and hope Mum may manage a small portion.

And its come around to our weekly radio fest...Mum doesn't listen to a lot of radio(even though she has a wide musical taste)To be honest I don't listen to a lot of music on radio because its much the same whatever station you listen to and the DJ's all sound much the same.

I have to look for the specialist shows dotted around the schedule and Sunday is a day that offers the best choice of music not heard so much these days and most of that is on BBC Radio so it isn't interrupted by commercials and most of the presenters play a piece of music in full rather than talking over the start and end of it. So there is at least 10 hours of entertainment.

Mum has never been one much for speech radio(not sure if that's choice or because she never got into the habit)but I listen to a quite a lot of plays, documentaries and news.

I have to say though since collecting music again and putting them on the pc and listening to what I have put on Mum's mp3 player, music has taken over a little more again and its lovely hearing such wonderful music and it being so undemanding.
I can totally understand Mum's enjoyment of relaxing and listening for hours and hours.

Much as we like pop music and there are all kinds of genres on the player there is still something about hearing instrumentals by great bands and orchestras like Billy May, Nelson Riddle, Paul Weston etc...artists like Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra, Perry Como, Jo Stafford, Tony Bennett etc...and composers like Johnny Mercer, Cole Porter etc...Too many to mention.

In these troubled times its lovely not to be wound up or feeling miserable hearing all the terrible news in the world. Music really can make you feel good and calm you. Of course it can excite or move you, ok its patriotic but I am still affected by pieces such as Land Of Hope And Glory, Jerusalem and Nimrod.

That's not to say I bury my head in the ground and ignore what's happening. Sadly, that will still happen(world events)and some of what's coming domestically will still be a worry for many in this country economically. Few of us will be untouched. I daren't think about the future and tend to take each day as it comes.


Anonymous VQ said...

"Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra, Perry Como" ...........ahhhhh, PROPER music!

Halfway through your blog I was wondering if you knew about Radio4 Extra. I'm sure you do as you seem so knowledgeable about such things.
But then you said that your mum isn't much interested in speech radio.
It's only available on Dab Radio and online, of course , but it brings back such memories listening to programmes such as The Navy Lark, Round the Horn, Just a Minute etc.

As for the bills, my Autumn bill was nearly £300 - and I was being very careful! I dread to think what the Winter quarter will bring, although the present mild spell will be helpful.

26 February 2012 at 10:59  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I had a hunt around the charity shops in town yesterday and found approx £140's worth of CD's(had they been in a shop)but I think I spent around £10.

Jeri Southern, Margaret Whiting, Jo Stafford, Michael Holliday, Harry Connick Jr, The Drifters, Jimmy Young, Lita Rosa,Vittorio Grigolo and more.

The block of programmes on Radio 2 from approx 7pm-Midnight on Sundays takes some beating...and some of the specials at 10p-midnight during weekdays can be.

Its a pity that they can't increase the quality of the bitrate on Radio 4Extra so the stereo programmes are in stereo on DAB and remain in mono. Not a problem on the shows like the one's you mentioned. They still sound good today.

Considering Mum has had the heating on 24/7 our bills are probably quite low. But they average around £400 per quarter.

We always pray for a mild spring/summer.

I really would miss BBC Radio. I might not be so trusting of the news output but entertainment wise it still has the upperhand over most of commercial radio.

I think the news output on the World Service is more trustworthy.

26 February 2012 at 11:32  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

We had powerful vocalists of course in the 40's and 50's but many of these singers did so with little or no effort and that is why their voices have lasted so long.

Jack Jones is another great singer( a few years ago he appeared at our local theatre)we couldn't believe he would play such a small venue. It was a great night!

Very few seem to have had the medical problems that singers like Adele have suffered.

Tom Jones can sing a decent ballad but he's had a scare in the past and some of the material he belts out cannot help.

I put some extra Englbert Humperdink into Mum's mix of music and he still still sounds pretty good.

Eralier, I mentioned Lita Rosa(That should be Roza of course)but when you don't see it written down you have to guess how it is spelt...I always just had Michael Holliday with one "L" until yesterday.

26 February 2012 at 12:31  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont know if your old enough to remember? but I recall the old electric fires with the two hot bars.
We were working out the price they would cost to run today, we got about £1 per hour and then stopped counting.

26 February 2012 at 23:30  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Yes I do Anon.
And we had one...its not been used for years for heating but sits in the hearth(?)to hide the fire place which is not used any more.

And all we do sometimes is switch on the glow for effect.

We probably thought it was expensive then but now...

We are not allowed to use one of those free standing gas heaters where you buy bottle gas in our homes but they used to be good value. Again I don't know what it would cost to use one these days.

27 February 2012 at 06:03  
Blogger Span Ows said...

I seem to be the only one that can't stand Frank Sinatra, the man who has ruined more music than anyone else. Apparently it's called 'phrasing' and he was the best at it...I call it irritatingly out of time and tune with the music! Ella, Tony Bennett you're talking!

Also, re the coming year's electric bill: looks like you should thank the neighbours for their free insulation! ;-)

...oh, and by the way, an approximate 10 to 15% of an yearly household the total energy bill (i.e. all the rises probably) are down to silly and unnecessary 'lower carbon emissions' strategies and 'green taxes'

27 February 2012 at 06:54  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Its interesting finding who we like/dslike and its good to be able to say that you dislike someone when most would say the opposite.

Few artists could really claim that their entire output is flawless and to be honest each has a selection of songs that can be called their own.

Mum used to say that there are very few artists she could listen to one song after another, she likes to hear a mixture.

As for energy prices, I am afraid that you are right, its all the extras that get added on and its not always the energy companies themselves.

27 February 2012 at 08:14  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Sinatra was also blessed with great songs, great arrangements and wonderful all helps.

27 February 2012 at 20:58  

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