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Thursday, February 09, 2012

Another Post I Think That Needs To Be Seen...

There are so many changes coming in under the umbrella of being called "Universal" to me its just as confusing but I do know that you will have to be almost dead to probably qulify for any help financial or otherwise...

We thought some of the changes so far were bad but it just gets worse...

PIP Criteria

I'll have to look it up but there a report issued today suggesting that Hate Crimes against the disabled in the population has increased and its been suggested some of that is due to how the Government has slanted stories and statistics as reported and the media too.

Something many of us have been saying for quite some time. The report has been put together by the charity Scope but there are around six respected charities supporting and/or saying similar things including Mencap, Leonard Cheshire Disability, the National Autistic Society, Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB)and Disability Alliance.


Blogger Span Ows said...

"Ministers at the Department for Work and Pensions, desperate to force through cuts to their budgets, have demonised disabled people with smears designed to give the impression that many are cheats and scroungers."

Unbelievably bad journalism, of the type he is also attacking. I would suggest that Ian Birrel is the one who "distorts data, manipulates facts and misuses statistics". At least he didn't have a picture of someone in a wheelchair like another equally bad article I saw last week.

11 February 2012 at 21:59  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I certainly don't think you need to illustrate an article by showing the kind of pictures you mention. So an interesting point you make Span...

11 February 2012 at 23:24  

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