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Friday, February 10, 2012

The New Fridge/Freezer...

Of course things go wrong but it appears the appliance I purchased on October 13th 2011 has packed up. Not even three months into the guarantee. I seem fated with fridge freezers. So I guess all my food will be ruined and until its fixed we'll be living off food that is either out of a box or a can.

Not good when I am trying to see Mum is fed well...oh good getting annoyed. It will awful to see all the food being thrown out...and having to start from scratch.

Update:Well, I guess I'll have to watch it this obviously has been off for some hours but this morning it has kicked in again but still not reduced the temperature to the "Safe" area. It stopped again and a few minutes ago started once more.

I've never altered the controls since I purchased it and have never had cause to and the temperature has been constant.

Today, I have turned the control to max to see if that changes anything. They say if the room temperature drops below 14c it might be affected. I don't believe that it ever has especially with a radiator on a lot of the time keeping things constant.

At least I have a 5 year guarantee(from the shop where I purchased it)on top of the one year warranty from Hotpoint.


Anonymous VQ said...

Ohhh Gildy.
I wonder if you'll be able to claim on the warranty for the food lost.

11 February 2012 at 08:58  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Its tempting VQ...It looked promising but now there is no frost at all in the fridge and what there has turned to water.

So the food is lost.

I've gone through the retailer I purchased from(rather than Hotpoint)and the earliest they can doa nything is Monday(Hotpoint might have been quicker?)I don't know...

I have soup, baked beans and the like...long life milk and its used so quickly it won't go off(and we use that old trick of standing the milk in cold water in a sink)that helps...

And at a push the supermarket is two streets away so I could get a taxi and buy something, bring it home and cook it immediately.

Or call for a takeaway.

Still a nuisance though...

11 February 2012 at 12:31  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I'm going to see how things go...its working again so I should still be able to use some of what is in there. Especially as there is a window usually of 9-14 hours before food is ruined if you keep the doors closed.

11 February 2012 at 13:29  
Blogger Span Ows said...

Should have put the food outside! Milk and unopened stuff etc will keep for ages.

Also, have you had any powers cuts, stoppages, surges or similar? this may upset the f/f which otherwise would rarely go wrong.

11 February 2012 at 21:53  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

That's a thought Span...power cut?

Except the problem first surfaced at 9pm/10pm and everything else remained on.

Had it happened overnight that sounds a good idea. During past winters I have kept a lot of items on a concrete floor of the passage that runs alongside the house.

At the minute it is working again but I have had to alter the controls which up to now I haven't had to do.

We often stand cartons of milk in cold water in a sink to help keep it of a reasonable temperature but save having to keep going downstairs to the fridge.

I think our food is ok and I will watch it for the next day or so...

11 February 2012 at 23:23  
Blogger crl2amb said...

I had a similar problem with a fridge freezer which I replaced only to find the same thing happened with the new one.

It turned out to be the plug socket that was faulty. Just a thought?


13 February 2012 at 22:19  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Thanks for that. Sometimes it turns out to be something really simple.

So far its working again though I have the control sset at four and not three as I had the previous(almost)three months.

The manager of the shop said watch it for the next two or three weeks and contact if the problem continues.

14 February 2012 at 00:57  
Blogger Daniel Silva said...

Yes! Just think what happens when a restaurant freezer fails as yours did? Check out all manuals, instructions, and trouble shooting tips before buying a restaurant freezer or a commercial one.

16 February 2012 at 12:33  

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