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Saturday, February 04, 2012

Home Cooking!

I had plans to do such a lot today but on this cold Winter's night I think it could be we'll opt for a mug of soup.

Mum hasn't eaten much but has made up her calorie intake with lots of warm drinks, high in vitamins and minerals. You cannot always make someone eat and even health experts often say a few days without solid food is nothing to worry about.

But I had planned to make(may have this tomorrow)Salmon Fish Cakes(I have no idea if I am copying anyone's recipe)I suspect its hard not to even unintentionally.

All I'm going to do is some mash potato, flake into the mash some salmon and possibly some curly kale and a small amount of lemon juice. I'll probably make two small cakes for both of us and serve it with some buttered bread. Simple but nutritionally good I am sure.


Anonymous VQ said...

Just a thought, Gildy.......
I know that you will ensure that your mum will be kept warm during this cold weather but I have found that, now I'm an old lady, my feet get cold at night.
I have resorted to wearing bed socks and find that they're a joy! (Doesn't take much to keep me happy, does it?). Bed socks are larger and looser than normal socks and do a really good job.

Glad to see that you are incorporating green veg into you fishcakes.

5 February 2012 at 11:10  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Isn't it great that simple things do make us happy :-) Bed socks are a very good idea.

I don't know what still seems very cold outside but around 4am the house seemed so much warmer and continues to be so...

No doubt the next bill will be high too but whilst I am able I have put aside some cash ready to pay the next few utility bills so hopefully we are covered.

My priorities and luxuries above all else is to always try and eat well and stay warm.

5 February 2012 at 11:29  

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