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Friday, December 16, 2011

Its Eating Away At Me...

Its bad enough having a Mum who has serious health problems and also age against her and accepting our time together could be very short but all this with people and departments supposedly with our "Best interests at heart" have added to my stress and worries at a time they shouldn't. I have always done everything expected of me and more and yet I feel as though I am being scrutinised to the point where it is ridiculous.

If a drop of tea gets on a blouse, even so small you'd probably not see it I feel I have to take it off immediately just in case...I can imagine "That" District Nurse finding an excuse to cause further problems. As they never announce when they are coming you are waiting for the knock on the door. Even though I am doing nothing wrong, I feel as though I am...

I have lost my respect and trust in those who are involved in our lives and I do feel as though our lives are no longer our own. I feel no one has been honest and straight forward with me. I'd say us but as I am the main carer they tend to talk with me(at me perhaps is more appropriate)

Other people have to look after their partners or other family members, are they are all being scrutinised as I/we are. Is it because we have carers coming in?

I don't ever remember asking the District Nurses to call, I don't remember asking for a Social worker or carers...they just came out of the woodwork and people used to say don't turn down help if it is offered to you, I have and I seem to be getting shafted.

I think those who call in the future will find me less talkative and they will get the most basic of answers.

And another thing...These services say they work with you/as a team but I also realise more than ever even if you say "No" to something they want to do, they will do it anyhow so your wishes are largely ignored and therefore you don't have much say in what happens.


Blogger Paul said...

There's no common sense is there, it's all black and white and you must fit into a pre-determined set of circumstances.

18 December 2011 at 13:11  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Well, I don't understand what has happened.

And they are adding to any stress or worry I have, not helping lessen my load/burden.

And I have resigned from the forum that was set up when the BBC boards went pearshaped.

I was told when I talked about my situation over there that I was full of self pity and not making Mum the priority.

And when I mentioned the latest problem, one member accused me of something regarding Mums care that was so disgusting I'll not repeat it here.

Where they got such an idea I have no idea as I did not suggest it myself and no matter how I pointed out how wrong they were, they just ignore what I say and even another person who decided to join in and support this other person keep missing the inaccuracies.

They can criticise me and call me all they wish but not Mum.

That I can do without.

Most have supported me and cannot understand what has happened. And it has been suggested I have rights to ask what has been said in the official files so I may do so but its so close to Christmas I suspect I'll have to wait until the new year before I can do anything.

18 December 2011 at 16:36  

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